
Government articles feature analysis of government agencies and their impact on economics, public health, public dialog, and social life.

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WHO’s Edict Caused the Lockdown Disaster

WHO’s Edict Caused the Lockdown Disaster


The W.H.O’s rousing endorsement of the “China model” of lockdowns should have been considered “junk science” before the governments of the world pulled the trigger on these “virus-mitigation” mandates, civil-liberty-eviscerating dictates which also caused a public health disaster for the people of the world.

WHO’s Edict Caused the Lockdown Disaster Read More

Cutting through the Mist of the Managerial State

Cutting through the Mist of the Managerial State


Use disobedience to claw back whatever personal agency and responsibility you can in your own life, train yourself not to take these people seriously, encourage others to do the same, and if enough people do this, eventually it will become so prohibitively expensive to manage the population that the strangling vines of this parasitic organism we call the managerial state can be hacked back to something manageable.

Cutting through the Mist of the Managerial State Read More

When Nearly All Governments in the World Met Their Match 


To contain and combat: that was the goal of the policy, in words drawn from the modern history of US warfare abroad. The war finally came home in ways that have broken the American spirit, shattered dreams, and wrecked confidence in the future. The war failed in every way, at least according to its stated aims, but it was still a sure winner for elites.

When Nearly All Governments in the World Met Their Match  Read More

Why So Many Countries Followed China’s Lockdown Example

Why So Many Countries Followed China’s Lockdown Example


If the novel coronavirus isn’t really so novel, this would explain why the lockdowns didn’t work. We had already known that lockdowns don’t work in other viral pandemics. Even China eventually gave up its Zero Covid Policy after it was obvious that lockdowns weren’t working. My friends owe me some explanations to justify their lockdown views. Maybe Fauci isn’t off the hook after all.

Why So Many Countries Followed China’s Lockdown Example Read More

The Painless Extinction of Formerly Free Australia 

The Painless Extinction of Formerly Free Australia 


We are about to find out whether the frogs really boil to oblivion, or whether they recognize the water is scalding and make the effort to leap to freedom – even risking a fall and injury in the process. After all, standing against tyrants was never actually supposed to be safe. The water is quite hot. It is not the experiment as I imagined it to be, but we are soon to find the answer.

The Painless Extinction of Formerly Free Australia  Read More

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