
Media articles feature analysis and commentary about mass media, entertainment, censorship, and propaganda.

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The Amateur Who Unraveled Wuhan

The Amateur Who Unraveled Wuhan


Matthew Tye, an independent documentarian with a chronicled decade of living in (and motorcycling throughout) China, developed a profound understanding of its culture and language. In March 2020, Tye emerged as a singular figure in the scrutiny of the origins of the Covid-19 virus, using primary sources such as job postings and communications between Chinese researchers – putting to shame a New York Times reporter’s top-down approach of channeling Dr. Fauci.

The Amateur Who Unraveled Wuhan Read Journal Article

Plato's Cave Resurrected

Plato’s Cave Resurrected


Just as, at any given time, there are conventions or ‘shadows’ that have a stranglehold on people’s ability to see beyond what current, tacit agreements allow one to see, today there are unprecedented, deliberately manufactured ‘shadows’ that govern the visible and auditory world. What are some of these? 

Plato’s Cave Resurrected Read Journal Article

The Fall of Critical Thinking- Brownstone Institute

The Fall of Critical Thinking


The most alarming aspect of the contemporary scene may actually not be things like the horrific potential of nuclear and biological weapons. Instead, it could be the rejection of objective truth and rational thought as essential guides to sensible conduct. When even the sciences and medicine become unmoored from reason and reality, we are all in serious trouble.

The Fall of Critical Thinking Read Journal Article

The White House Makes Good on Its Antitrust Threats- Brownstone Institute

Why the Department of Justice Wants to Take Down Apple


Just as the FDA and CDC became marketing and enforcement arms of Pfizer and Moderna, so too the Justice Department is now revealed as a censor and industrial promoter of Samsung. This is how captured agencies with hegemonic ambitions operate, not in the public interest but in the private interest of some industries over others and always with the goal of reducing the freedom of the people.

Why the Department of Justice Wants to Take Down Apple Read Journal Article

Journalistic Malpractice at The New York Times - Brownstone Institute

Journalistic Malpractice at The New York Times


Justice Jackson, the Biden Administration, Katie Starbird, and their allies in the media may believe they have a divine mission to censor alleged misinformation, that the Devil’s reincarnation has taken multiple forms in the bodies of RFK Jr., Alex Berenson, Jay Bhattacharya, and others; under our Constitution, however, the self-professed nobility of their missions does not excuse violations of the First Amendment. Let us hope the Court realizes the graveness of the threat.

Journalistic Malpractice at The New York Times Read Journal Article

measles mongering - Brownstone Institute

Mainstream Measles Mongers


The current state of Modern Measles Mongering is a leitmotif of post-pandemic public health, where the state and mainstream media measles-mongering is actively telling the population to fear a disease that has an extremely remote chance of you getting it and an even more remote chance of you dying from it. It predictably recommends everyone do whatever they can to protect their family (ie: get more measles shots) which may or may not protect you. And if you get the shot, please know that any safety research on the measles vaccine is mostly inadequate. 

Mainstream Measles Mongers Read Journal Article

Anatomy of the Tech-Industrial Complex - Brownstone Institute

Anatomy of the Tech-Industrial Complex


As the TikTok debate highlights, it’s evident in the Information Age that no one is more capable at framing and shaping events and ideas from a particular point of view or set of values than the large tech companies. These entities possess a worldwide audience of billions of people every minute of every day. 

Anatomy of the Tech-Industrial Complex Read Journal Article

The Virality Project's Censorship Agenda - Brownstone Institute

The Virality Project’s Censorship Agenda


Initiated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and led by the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), the Virality Project sought to censor those who questioned government Covid-19 policies. The Virality Project primarily focused on so-called “anti-vaccine” “misinformation”, however, my Twitter Files investigations with Matt Taibbi revealed this included “true stories of vaccine side effects.”

The Virality Project’s Censorship Agenda Read Journal Article

Reflections on Brownstone's Retreat - Brownstone Institute

Reflections on Brownstone’s Retreat


People participating at the Brownstone Institute Retreat understand what is happening. It was a relief to be reminded that a wide range of committed and highly intelligent people understand the critical importance of challenging and interdicting what is being attempted. This resistance to power was a theme that ran through many of the presentations and discussions we experienced at the Retreat. I feel privileged to have been a part.

Reflections on Brownstone’s Retreat Read Journal Article

February 27, 2020: The Lockdown Plan Goes Public - Brownstone Institute

February 27, 2020: The Lockdown Plan Goes Public


As the “novel coronavirus” spread throughout the world in the early months of 2020, two diametrically opposed responses to such a virus were in play: The public health response, which was initially followed everywhere except China, involved telling the public not to panic, wash hands, and stay home when sick. This was standard protocol for a novel flu-like virus. Behind the scenes, the biodefense-industrial-complex was gearing up for a bioterrorism response: quarantine-until-vaccine.

February 27, 2020: The Lockdown Plan Goes Public Read Journal Article

Technology: Weapon of the People - Brownstone Institute

Technology: Weapon of the People


In sum, while the poisonous aspect of the media pharmakon has not nearly exhausted its toxic potency, the curative side has incrementally been gaining strength and therapeutic effectiveness, as reflected in the anxiety of the ‘Davos elites,’ detectable in their worry, that they no longer ‘own the news.’ They thought they had it all under control, but were caught unawares by the unexpected power of the alternative media – those ever-expanding digital spaces of the machine inhabited by the resistance. 

Technology: Weapon of the People Read Journal Article