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Brownstone Institute - OHRP

Where is the Office for Human Research Protections?


If proper data and safety monitoring had been done, the vaccine would very likely have been removed from the market by the late spring of 2021, prior to being considered for children under the age of 18. While Dr. Nass informs us that EUA swept aside OHRP, I believe we need much more detail as to how that happened, and how other elements of OHRP/IRB policies and practices developed over decades were swept aside.

Where is the Office for Human Research Protections? Read Journal Article

EcoHealth Alliance’s Wuhan-Virus Dalliances


Recently, received communication from EcoHealth Alliance in response to my article Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Own ‘Gain-of-Function.’ Eco-Health claims the Wuhan work on bat coronaviruses didn’t meet the definition of gain-of-function and asks that we amend the article, with any such updates credited to “an EcoHealth Alliance spokesperson.” 

EcoHealth Alliance’s Wuhan-Virus Dalliances Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - Gates FDA

The FDA’s Ties to the Gates Foundation


In 2017, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Under the MOU, the two entities agreed to share information to “facilitate the development of innovative products, including medical countermeasures,” such as diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics to combat disease transmission during a pandemic.

The FDA’s Ties to the Gates Foundation Read Journal Article

American College of Clinical Pharmacy

Dear American College of Clinical Pharmacy:


The role of real leaders is not to “ensure alignment with the expectations and values” of the vocal few, but rather to preserve the ability to approach problems and issues in a manner that allows for consideration of all sides. People cannot make informed, adult decisions, if they’re awash in a culture of “safety” where “words are violence,” and differing viewpoints are “harmful.” 

Dear American College of Clinical Pharmacy: Read Journal Article


The Rise of Pharma Fascism and the Ruination of the Commons


No Pharaoh, no king, no feudal lord, and certainly no political party has ever before claimed that they own the air and that the mere act of breathing by the citizenry was an assault that must be managed by a police state. Yet that is the central claim of Pan, Fauci, and the public health bureaucracy and the idea that drives vaccine mandates, masks, lockdowns, social distancing, and the rest of the modern Fascist Pharma State.

The Rise of Pharma Fascism and the Ruination of the Commons Read Journal Article

Rogue FDA

The FDA Has Gone Rogue


The FDA administrative bureaucracy self-determined that they could continue to bypass their normal (already lax) procedures for evaluating vaccine purity (including lack of adulteration), potency, safety and efficacy pretty much for as long as their hearts desire, at least until November 07, 2023. And that is the administrative basis used to enable the September 11, 2023  “Emergency Use Authorization” for the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine boosters. Will that authorization sunset on November 07, 2023? I very much doubt it. 

The FDA Has Gone Rogue Read Journal Article

vaccine mRNA

Editor at “Pro-Vaccine Publication” Experienced Serious Adverse Event After Second Pfizer Shot


As a journalist, I cannot say much more than the best available facts suggest, but as has been clear for far too long, the mRNA vaccines were not beneficial and safe on a population-level for young, healthy men — yet the CDC and FDA didn’t care. Hopefully, “pro-vaccine publication[s]” may recognize the harm they helped perpetuate.

Editor at “Pro-Vaccine Publication” Experienced Serious Adverse Event After Second Pfizer Shot Read Journal Article


Unredacted: The EU’s Hidden Contract with Pfizer-BioNTech


The ‘acknowledgement’ clause in the order form – acknowledgement, in effect, that the manufacturers knew neither if the vaccine was safe nor if it was effective, at any rate in the long term – is in addition to the clauses which already provide the manufacturers extremely wide-reaching indemnification in the section on indemnification of the contract proper.

Unredacted: The EU’s Hidden Contract with Pfizer-BioNTech Read Journal Article

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