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The Silent Shame of Health Institutions

The Silent Shame of Health Institutions


There is no scientific agency outside the Ministry of Health that has flexibility and the capacity to undertake autonomous, long-term monitoring and research in nutrition, diet and health. There is no independent, autonomous, public health research facility with sufficient long-term funding to translate dietary and nutritional evidence into policy, particularly if it contradicted current policy positions. 

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WHO’s Guilty of Fake News, Now? - Brownstone Institute

WHO’s Guilty of Fake News, Now?


With media shying away from publishing views critical of the WHO and its pharma sponsors, our politicians remain naively blind to the web of ulterior, vested motivations driving the restructuring of global public health. But with one set of actors coming to the table with clean hands — no undisclosed financial incentives nor purse strings pulled by profit-driven corporations — and the other with hands stained by pharmaceutical profits and dancing to the tune of undisclosed funders, who would the public trust were they only to be fed the facts?

WHO’s Guilty of Fake News, Now? Read More

In Health Care, We Are Flying Blind

In Health Care, We Are Flying Blind 


Health insurance needs a new pricing structure that is not based on a one-size-fits-all model that it is now. Health and therefore healthcare expense is highly tuned to individual choice. We need more information about the best choices, and that information can only come to us once the specialists who know the data are allowed to impact pricing structures in ways they currently cannot. 

In Health Care, We Are Flying Blind  Read More

The Fairy Tale of Pandemic Risk - Brownstone Institute

The Fairy Tale of Pandemic Risk


Public health has come into its own over the past few years; a once-backwater profession now promoted to be the arbiters of liberty and human relationships. Outbreaks of diseases associated with death at an average age of about 80, or even purely hypothetical, are now sufficient reason to close workplaces, close schools, upend economies and convince people to turn on their noncompliant neighbors. The result, while impoverishing the many, has driven an unprecedented concentration of wealth.

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Brownstone Institute - Pfizer Never Stops Gaslighting Us

Pfizer Never Stops Gaslighting Us


Pfizer’s cheery Super Bowl ad cannot change the fact that they never tested their BNT162b2 vaccine during clinical trials to see if it prevented transmission of Covid-19. Nor did Pfizer stop distribution when 90 days into the vaccination campaign, there had already been 1,123 vaccine-related deaths, and over 40,000 vaccine injuries.  

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Brownstone Institute - The FDA and Vaccine Manufacturers Refuse to Show Us Their Work

The FDA and Vaccine Manufacturers Refuse to Show Us Their Work


Not only are the test results confidential, even the methodology used hasn’t been made public. The world just has to take manufacturers’ word that there’s no contamination or variability with the mRNA sequence or its lipid nanoparticle components – even though published epidemiology data indicate otherwise.

The FDA and Vaccine Manufacturers Refuse to Show Us Their Work Read More

Brownstone Institute - DOD Told Pharma Exec the Virus "Posed a National Security Threat" on Feb. 4, 2020

DOD Told Pharma Exec the Virus “Posed a National Security Threat” on Feb. 4, 2020


If the heads of the US public health agencies, including Anthony Fauci (NIAID) and Francis Collins (NIH), were spending a large portion of their time on that day frantically trying to come up with ways to claim the virus was not manufactured in a bioweapons lab – there must have been a reason other than public health. The reason is becoming increasingly undeniable: The Covid crisis was a military/national security operation, not a public health event.

DOD Told Pharma Exec the Virus “Posed a National Security Threat” on Feb. 4, 2020 Read More

Brownstone Institute - Our Last Innocent Moment

What Killed Informed Consent?


In more and less formal ways, COVID was the tool that transformed our supposedly inalienable right to make informed choices about our private lives into a public and readily dispensable good. It was almost as if we had built such a network of infinitesimal choices creating the powerful illusion of choice that we didn’t notice when we were asked to give it all up in an instant.

What Killed Informed Consent? Read More

Brownstone Institute - Medicine Has Been Fully Militarized

Medicine Has Been Fully Militarized


At this writing, virtually all the major healthcare systems, specialty regulatory boards, specialty associations, and medical schools are standing at attention, still in lockstep with the received – and by now, clearly false – narrative. Their funding, after all, be it from Pharma or the Government, depends upon their obedience. Barring dramatic change, they will respond in the same fashion when orders come down from above in the future. Medicine has been fully militarized.

Medicine Has Been Fully Militarized Read More

Brownstone Institute - The Loosening of Rules on Informed Consent

The Loosening of Rules on Informed Consent


On January 22, 2024, amendments to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations (21 CFR 50) covering Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) were finalized and implemented. The amendments added a new section 50.22 that allows for exceptions to informed consent requirements for minimal risk research. 

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Brownstone Institute - Disease-X and Davos: This is Not the Way to Evaluate and Formulate Public Health Policy

Disease X and Davos: This is Not the Way to Evaluate and Formulate Public Health Policy


To gain legitimacy, public health policy must be vested in institutions answerable to the public and based on reliable evidence. In the case of the recent World Economic Forum (WEF) venture in public health policy advocacy in Davos, neither of these measures of legitimacy were met. Also in question is legitimacy in the media coverage, where the basic tenets of journalism – questioning evidence, corroborating sources, providing context, and awareness of conflict of interest – seem to have gone missing.

Disease X and Davos: This is Not the Way to Evaluate and Formulate Public Health Policy Read More

Brownstone Institute - We Need Real Covid Inquiries

We Need Real Covid Inquiries


The vilification, silencing, and defenestration of genuinely concerned and well-credentialled dissenters contributed to growing loss of trust in the good faith and competence of the authorities. In summary, over three years we witnessed the arrogance of know-all experts, the authoritarian instincts of governments, and a surprising degree of timidity and compliance of the people.

We Need Real Covid Inquiries Read More

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