
Philosophy articles feature reflection and analysis about public life, values, ethics, and morals.

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The Rise of Propaganda-Dependent Elites and Lonely Masses

The Rise of Propaganda-Dependent Elites and Lonely Masses


In his speech at ICS IV, Dr. Desmet provides a glimpse into his prescription for healing those of us who have damaged, and his vision for how we can recover our sovereignty, personal psychological autonomy, and rebuild a more functional society devoid of the nefarious hidden hand of Elite-sponsored propaganda and psychological manipulation.

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Sports After a Stolen Childhood

Sports After a Stolen Childhood


As the coach, I was tasked with helping my players navigate the intense emotions winning or losing a game can provoke. I was reminded that only a few short years ago, all of these experiences were removed from everyday life. It was a profound experience to reflect on how meaningful it is for our children to go through experiences like these.

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The Blind Brute Blunders Forth

The Blind Brute Blunders Forth


What are the chances that a natural addition of the PB2 gene segment to the H5N1 bird flu virus would occur? Pretty slight, if not impossible, one would guess. The mere fact that such research (which also includes the laboratory construction of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Wuhan) has occurred, and is probably still taking place, is an unmistakable manifestation of the kind of irrationality that Kafka, Schopenhauer, and Freud unmasked on the part of the not-so-sapiens human race.

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The End of the World at Fort Bragg

The End of the World at Fort Bragg


Pharmaceutical companies occupy airwaves. Fat people dance in a town square in an ad for pills to lower blood sugar. Another ad proclaims that a cartoon guy will deliver a colon test to your doorstep in a box. Drug ads for eczema, Crohn’s disease, and all kinds of ailments fill the screen. Rich people in glittering rooms with tinsel and gold and greenery slowly eat Lindor chocolates. Pfizer advertises vaccines for pregnant women. On another network, a show called The Great Christmas Light Fight appears. 

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Scientific Meta-Analysis is Broken

Scientific Meta-Analysis is Broken


Systematic review and meta-analysis should not just be a reflection of power — who can fund the most RCTs, who can perform the most statistical wizardry. They should be about gathering the most high quality information from wherever we can find it to create the most comprehensive picture of any problem and any proposed remedy.

Scientific Meta-Analysis is Broken Read Journal Article

Lives Unleavened by the Gift of Wonder

Lives Unleavened by the Gift of Wonder


The rational and calculating human mind’s ability to deliver something approaching personal contentment to you has been massively oversold during your lifetime. While these modes of cognition can accomplish many wonderful things, they also have a known ability, when the human mind is left exclusively in their care, to create suffocating closed circuits of thought that can lead to a sense of listlessness and despair. 

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ESG, DEI, and the Rise of Fake Reporting

ESG, DEI, and the Rise of Fake Reporting


We know that the modern West has developed a jaw-dropping degree of totalitarianism, wherein the bureaucracies of the state and the corporate sector coordinate together to cripple humans outside their power networks and media channels. But what are the mechanics of this coordination? To understand one of the games they play, consider the rise of measures and standards associated with DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance).

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We Must Save Ourselves from the Public Health Professionals

We Must Save Ourselves from the Public Health Professionals


We need legislators, and the public, to reclaim public health ethics and to return to credible concepts of health and well-being – as the WHO once did – “physical, mental and social.” This is what was intended when previous generations fought to overthrow dictators, striving for equality and for the rights of individuals over those who would control them. History tells us that public health professions tend to follow self-interest, taking the side of those who would be dictators. If our democracies, freedom, and health are to survive, we must accept reality and address this as a basic issue of individual freedom and good governance for which we are all responsible. There is too much at stake to leave this to self-interested corporatists and the notorious enforcers they control.

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Living Everywhere in a Carceral Surveillance State

Living Everywhere in a Carceral Surveillance State


If you live in a Chinese city, or even in London, you are probably so used to surveillance cameras all around you – on lamp posts, the corners of buildings, and so on – that you would hardly bat an eyelid. Yet what contemporary city-denizens take for granted was not always the case, and most people would be surprised to know that surveillance has a long history, and was linked to modes of punishment from early on. 

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