
Philosophy articles feature reflection and analysis about public life, values, ethics, and morals.

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The Grateful Dead Succumbed to Coronamania, but We Didn't Follow

The Grateful Dead Succumbed to Coronamania, but We Didn’t Conform


Throughout, my unimpaired eyes and ears told me that the Covid response was an extreme overreaction that was causing widespread harm. Instead of following a gullibly unhinged crowd, I found new friends who knew bad Scamdemic music when they heard it. Instead of “staying safe,” buying the hysteria and flailing their arms, my new tribe stayed sane and moved, vitally and on-time, to their own, unmistakable beat of reality.

The Grateful Dead Succumbed to Coronamania, but We Didn’t Conform Read Journal Article

The Historian of Decline: Ludwig von Mises’s Relevance Today


The mistake we made was in believing that there is logic to history. There isn’t. There is only the march of good ideas and bad, and the forever competition between the two. And this is a central message of Mises’s 1954 overlooked masterwork Theory and History. Here he offers a devastating rebuttal to determinism of all sorts, whether from old liberals or Hegel or Fukuyama. 

The Historian of Decline: Ludwig von Mises’s Relevance Today Read Journal Article

The Hypnotic Rhythm of Dependence

The Hypnotic Rhythm of Dependence


There was a rhythm to the pandemic. It was a rhythm of nothingness, a blend of day into day. It was a rhythm detached from time, a metronome of stay in, click on, stay in, stay afraid. What information that was available was tailored to create unsettled obedience, a state of wide-awake nervous exhaustion that feedback fed the rhythm itself.

The Hypnotic Rhythm of Dependence Read Journal Article

Slave or Master of Technology: The Choice is Ours

Slave or Master of Technology: The Choice is Ours


The agencies promoting the hegemony of digital technology – which is also what makes AI possible today – would like nothing better than to neutralise your ability to think independently. This is even more true today than when Stiegler wrote his texts. But by using this technology anyway, for your own critical purposes, you would be defusing their attempts at undermining human intelligence.

Slave or Master of Technology: The Choice is Ours Read Journal Article

In Praise of Semantic Warfare

In Praise of Semantic Warfare


Could it be that most of us, in fact, are pre-programmed to surrender our agency at the first sign of a canceling putdown or threat of ostracism, however absurd, emanating from someone presented to us as being authoritative, even when that “authoritative” figure issuing the “conspiracy theorist” or “disinformation” fatwa these days is often nothing more a 26-year-old twit with an overly-expensive diploma working in a Silicon Valley cubicle or a Brooklyn coffee shop? 

In Praise of Semantic Warfare Read Journal Article

Lessons Learned from the West African Slave Trade

Forgive but Never Forget: Lessons from the West African Slave Trade


West Africans endured slavery for 400 years, when 15 million human beings were forcibly captured and sold into bondage. During this era, the world’s major secular and sectarian institutions regarded slaves as no better than animals, but modern West Africans look to the future, adopting a philosophy of forgiving but never forgetting.

Forgive but Never Forget: Lessons from the West African Slave Trade Read Journal Article

What Heidegger Can Teach Us About Our Technological Moment

What Heidegger Can Teach Us About Our Technological Moment


The manufacturers of these bioweapons disguised as vaccines have come up with something that directs the evolution of our body cells. They are guilty of the greatest hubris imaginable, arrogating for themselves the role of gods, if not the Creator. Heidegger would turn in his grave.

What Heidegger Can Teach Us About Our Technological Moment Read Journal Article

If He Was Alive Today, Socrates Would be Banned

If He Were Alive Today, Socrates Would be Banned


It recently occurred to me that if Socrates was alive today, he would be censored, de-platformed, smeared, cancelled and labeled a grave threat to society. In short, he would be charged with spreading disinformation and would no doubt be Target No. 1 of the massive Censorship Industrial Complex.

If He Were Alive Today, Socrates Would be Banned Read Journal Article

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Join the Resistance


The challenges of our time are completely different from the past. We must counter ruling-class opinion on empirical, legal, and practical grounds. We need all hands on deck to make it clear: we will not relent, no matter how many strange edicts are issued from above, no matter how many big shots tell us otherwise, no matter how many tricks and ploys come our way. 

Join the Resistance Read Journal Article

Freedom and Virtue: Friends or Enemies?

Freedom and Virtue: Friends or Enemies?


Across the West, Virtue People, and Freedom People have been working together. At conferences, in think tanks, at school boards, on email lists, in living rooms, on X, and sometimes marching in the streets, they coalesce. These two groups constitute the rebel alliance against authoritarian woke globalism. But their political philosophies conflict.

Freedom and Virtue: Friends or Enemies? Read Journal Article

Can Thanksgiving Traditions Survive a Four-Year Pause?

Can Thanksgiving Traditions Survive a Four-Year Pause?


On Thanksgiving, we’re supposed to disregard that which hasn’t gone well and focus on that which has; even if the list of what has gone well is much shorter than that which hasn’t. If you’re sitting in a warm place, forking tasty food into your own mouth, and are surrounded by people whose names you remember, you’re comparatively blessed.

Can Thanksgiving Traditions Survive a Four-Year Pause? Read Journal Article

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