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Bureaucrats Riding the Omicron Wave


Repeat after me: Keep our community safe. Keep our campus safe. We will be safe if you all behave safely. Safety is our first priority. If you’re not with us, you’re with the virus. Still today, at places like Princeton, grievances can often only be aired in private about the constant dreary pronouncements from official authorities purporting to be so very concerned for your health and safety, yadda yadda yadda.

Bureaucrats Riding the Omicron Wave Read Journal Article

Ontario the Cruel


The children of Ontario are victims of nearly two solid years of psychologically and emotionally damaging messages emanating from public health officials and social media celebrity doctors about how dangerous they are to the people they love; that they are dirty disease carriers, that they could be ‘granny killers’ and inadvertently pass along a deadly virus to their loved ones. They could murder their grandparents! In turn, many Ontario parents have been rendered so utterly terrified about the exaggerated risks to their children from Covid-19 that they are now fully convinced that all children are a health risk to others. 

Ontario the Cruel Read Journal Article

Defeat the Mandates

The DC Rally and the Rise of the Resistance


By long American tradition, protest movements manifest themselves most fully in gatherings in Washington, D.C, starting at the Washington Monument and culminating in speeches at the Lincoln Memorial. At long last, after two years of astonishing attacks on fundamental rights that most everyone once believed were protected by the U.S. Constitution, this happened today, January 23, 2022. 

The DC Rally and the Rise of the Resistance Read Journal Article

Covid Lockdowns Nearly Wrecked My Family and Millions of Others


When the world shut down and snatched routine from our family, I did not have to be a genius to know the harm that would befall our family; the profound pain and hardship this would inflict on our family. Our family fell into deep despair, but no one cared. If we disagreed with the lockdown, we were grandma killers.

Covid Lockdowns Nearly Wrecked My Family and Millions of Others Read Journal Article

Military-Aged Males and Booster Shots: Why the Concern


Most young, healthy, vaccinated military members have a probability so close to zero of having negative outcomes from Covid that there is no feasible reason to consider a booster. Even Dr. Paul Offit, one of the biggest advocates of vaccines, recently advised his 20-something son – an age range about 20% of the military falls into – that he has no need of a Covid booster shot.

Military-Aged Males and Booster Shots: Why the Concern Read Journal Article

Mandates Are About Political Control, Not Health


Mandates that serve no legitimate public health purpose and are instituted merely to punish the noncompliant should have no place in a civilized or democratic society. It is time that Americans wake up and realize that they are being used as pawns in a game of politics.

Mandates Are About Political Control, Not Health Read Journal Article

The Government’s “Religious Exemption” Process Is a Farce


Whether deliberate or not, the language in the new request form reveals the government’s impatience and hostility towards those who have religious objections to the COVID vaccine. Words mean things after all, and the message could not be clearer:  those asking for a religious exemption belong in the “other” category. 

The Government’s “Religious Exemption” Process Is a Farce Read Journal Article