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Nightmares of the Elite

Nightmares of the Elite


People we’ve been led to believe are “learned” are actually shockingly ignorant (or plain evil). But these people will still be leading these organizations tomorrow and 10 years from today. I didn’t know this knowledge would cause me to have recurring nightmares, but it has. My dream’s definitely telling me to write about this, which I’ve now done. Maybe I’ll now get a peaceful night’s sleep.

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The WHO's Road to Totalitarianism

The WHO’s Road to Totalitarianism


In a nutshell, it means that this unelected organisation would have the authority to proclaim lockdowns and ‘medical (or health) emergencies,’ as well as mandatory ‘vaccinations’ at the whim of the WHO’s Director-General, reducing the freedom to traverse space freely to ironclad spatial confinement in one fell swoop. This is what ‘total terror’ would mean. It is my fervent hope that something can still be done to avert this imminent nightmare.

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Hate the Bad, Love the Good

Hate the Bad, Love the Good


The enemies of humanity want us to prevent us from hating the bad and loving the good by making us afraid of being accused of hatred. In a world in crisis because our leaders are bad, our food is bad, our medicine and public health are bad, our schools are bad, our broken families are bad, our entertainment and music is bad, our infrastructure is bad, inflation is bad, and even the adjudication of dangerous and violent criminals in our major cities is bad, silence and self-censorship become a most dangerous refusal to love the good, to love neighbor, and ultimately to love God.

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The WHO Proposals: An Open Letter

The WHO Proposals: An Open Letter


The drafting of the Open Letter below, addressing these issues, was led by three lawyers with experience with the WHO, within the UN and in international treaty law, Silvia Behrendt, Assoc. Prof Amrei Muller, and Dr. Thi Thuy Van Dinh. It simply calls upon the WHO and Member States to extend the deadline for the adoption of the amendments to the International Health Regulations and a new Pandemic Agreement at the 77th WHA to safeguard the rule of law and equity. To proceed with the current deadline, against their own legal requirements, would not just be legally wrong but demonstrate unequivocally that equity and respect for States rights have nothing to do with the WHO’s pandemic agenda.

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We Must Resist the Grey Men

We Must Resist the Grey Men


For the sake of freedom, for the sake of vibrant and meaningful living, and for the sake of that very chaos and unpredictability that, in and of itself, provides the soil and the nutrients for beautiful variety to grow — we need to accept that there will always be holes and inefficiencies in our attempts to optimize our lives. And if someone pushes us to micromanage that precious negative space, that’s usually a sign that they are seeing us as resources, and that they do not, in fact, have our best interests at heart. 

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Elites at War with the People

Elites at War with the People


How long until centre-right political leaders across the Western democracies grasp the truth that the cultural hegemony is not as crushingly successful as believed by the elites? Without embracing populism, they can still address the practical concerns, interests, and aspirations that animate working and middle class people worried by cost of living pressures, breakdowns of family and social cohesion, and retreat from pride in flag, country, and religion. These majority voting cohorts are worried about mass immigration, the erosion of women’s rights under the relentless assault from trans activists, and the absolutist agenda of Net Zero and damn the costs.

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Consequences of the Wrong Worldview

Consequences of the Wrong Worldview


The mechanistic view of the world and its quest for ultimate solutions have failed, for they are ultimately hostile to man as a thinking, moral being. In its place, we need a new vision of humanity, of society. What characterises that vision? I will not attempt to answer that question here and now. But I believe the experience and message of people like Mohamedou Ould Slahi may guide us. Reflecting on this experience and message is particularly fitting now when we celebrate Easter.

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Wait! There’s a Pandemic?


Before Covid-19 there had been other pandemics. But in the past 100 years, with the exception of the Spanish flu in 1918, the other pandemics came and went without much notice for the majority of the world’s population. For example, much press coverage of the first SARS in 2003 neglected to report there were only 774 total deaths worldwide. Likewise, the heightened reporting of the 2012 MERS pandemic failed to summarize that there were only 858 total deaths. In contrast, recurring influenza strains kill an average of 400,000 people worldwide each year. 

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Only Our Attention is Eternal

Only Our Attention is Eternal


It is the elites’ understanding of the prodigious power of attention that has led them to engage in their current campaigns of massive distraction, symbolized by the constant bombardments of noise we suffer in our public spaces and the building of massive, history-less no-places like the Museo Soumaya in Mexico City. 

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2024 Brownstone Institute Books and Publications

Where We Are Now


The influence of this work has been extremely broad and deep throughout the world. And keep in mind, we were only founded in May 2021 and still only have the tiniest of staff, with a budget that is a miniscule fraction of what major think tanks in Washington and elsewhere spend every year, to say nothing of the Gates Foundation and government agencies. The experience absolutely proves that one dedicated group of people can do so much with just a little. 

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