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Brownstone Institute - New Scandal, Same Story

New Scandal, Same Story


What we need to close this particular circle is both a proper inquiry and a human-interest personalised TV dramatisation of the Covid-related injustices inflicted by the unholy collusion between the different components of Big State, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the mainstream media.

New Scandal, Same Story Read More

Brownstone Institute - They Inch Towards Total Technological Control

They Inch Towards Total Technological Control


In a move that casts George Orwell’s 1984 in a distinctly passé light, these well-nigh invisible flying objects will be programmed and used by organisations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) for population surveillance, to detect so-called ‘thought crimes’ on the part of citizens. Needless to spell out, this will be done with a view to controlling people in a failsafe manner, anticipating supposed ‘criminal’ action before it is committed. 

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Brownstone Institute - The Greatest Trick Big Brother Ever Pulled

The Greatest Trick Big Brother Ever Pulled


When you think about what our emerging surveillance state will look like, you think 1984. You imagine East Germany powered by Google and Amazon. You recall your favorite dystopian sci-fi film – or maybe horror stories of China’s social credit system. Thoughts of a frustrated middle-aged police chief from a mid-sized Midwestern town attempting to procure security cameras with innovative new features probably don’t come to mind. You definitely don’t think of a guy in a lawn chair jotting down the license plate numbers of passing vehicles in a notebook. And that’s partly how the surveillance state is going to emerge as it creeps its way into one small town at a time.

The Greatest Trick Big Brother Ever Pulled Read More

Brownstone Institute - Today’s Censorship Is Personal

Today’s Censorship Is Personal


The outcome of Missouri v. Biden – the Biden administration has fought the case at every step – could make the difference as to whether the US will maintain its former distinction as the land of the free and home of the brave. It’s hard to imagine that the Supreme Court will decide any other way than to smack down the federal censors, but we cannot know for sure these days. 

Today’s Censorship Is Personal Read More

Brownstone Institute - Filtration of Rooms Didn’t Work Either

Room Filtration Didn’t Work Either


Yes, you remember those days. Let’s say you have installed a new HVAC system. That’s good but it does not quite do the trick. You still must stay away from everyone. You have to mask up, outdoors even. You have to wash your hands constantly. You have to spray everything down with sanitizer. I mean, it seems like your whole life is consumed by fear of disease. 

Room Filtration Didn’t Work Either Read More

Brownstone Institute - The Sinister Links Between Jeffrey Epstein, CBDCs, and Bitcoin

The Sinister Links Between Jeffrey Epstein, CBDCs, and Bitcoin


The purpose of this article is to create awareness of the urgent threat of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), to discuss and describe Jeffrey Epstein’s potential involvement in both funding CBDCs as well as his possible role in changing the underlying purpose of Bitcoin, rendering it unusable as a cash alternative for day-to-day transactions. The article also provides a snippet from my book, The Final Countdown, which goes into detail and further provides practical advice for avoiding CBDCs. 

The Sinister Links Between Jeffrey Epstein, CBDCs, and Bitcoin Read More

Brownstone Institute - The Heroism of Guido d’Arrezo

The Heroism of Guido d’Arezzo


The salient fact of our times is the egregious failure of the elites to do the very thing they promised: give us health, security, and protection from danger. They were granted a free hand to manage the whole world and they made of their opportunity a huge disaster. Meanwhile, the dissidents pushing early treatments, human rights, free speech, and different ways generally have been punished. 

The Heroism of Guido d’Arezzo Read More

The Propaganda That is Selective Science

The Propaganda That is Selective Science


People like Dr. Paul Offit are squarely in the camp of silencing dissent and mandating medical interventions as soon as they can drum up the next emergency. However, there are more people who do not want the life that the technocrats, corrupt government officials, and globalists are planning for us, than those who do. As tired as we are of thinking about the pandemic, we have a moral responsibility to push back and preserve our freedoms and way of life for ourselves, and especially for future generations.

The Propaganda That is Selective Science Read More

The EU Wants to Spy on Europeans’ Internet Use

The EU Wants to Spy on Europeans’ Internet Use


The rule would require all internet browsers to trust an additional root certificate from an agency (or a regulated entity) from each of the national governments of each one of the EU member states. For the non-technical readers, I will explain what a root certificate is, how internet trust has evolved, and what Article 45 does to this. And then I will highlight some of the commentary from the tech community on this matter. 

The EU Wants to Spy on Europeans’ Internet Use Read More

Florida Surgeon General Calls for a “Halt to the Use of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines”

Florida Surgeon General Calls for a “Halt to the Use of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines”


Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo called for a “halt to the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines” in a press release and X thread. In a statement posted on X, Ladapo wrote, “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have always played it fast and loose with COVID-19 safety, but their failure to test for DNA integration with the human genome – as their own guidelines dictate – when the vaccines are known to be contaminated with foreign DNA is intolerable.”

Florida Surgeon General Calls for a “Halt to the Use of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” Read More

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