
Analysis of Big Pharma, vaccines, and policy including impacts on public health, economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of vaccines are translated into multiple languages.

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Consent of the Governed, Where Art Thou?

Consent of the Governed, Where Art Thou?


Basically, the State is asserting that it has the right to sentence you to increased risk of death and disease by purchasing (using tax dollars), mandating (vaccines for children program), distributing, enticing, and marketing an injectable product while censoring or defaming (using modern psychological warfare technologies) any and all who disagree or even have the temerity to question the decisions and rights of the State to do so.

Consent of the Governed, Where Art Thou? Read Journal Article

Christmas 2020 in Germany: The Gift of the BioNTech Vax

Christmas 2020 in Germany: The Gift of the BioNTech Vax


The German vaccines regulator, the PEI – which is responsible for batch release of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine throughout the European Union – has acted more like a partner of BioNTech, enabling the development and commercialisation of its drug, than an arms-length regulator overseeing it. The outgoing president of the PEI, Klaus Cichutek, who announced his retirement last week, has even published a paper with BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin on developing a Coronavirus vaccine. 

Christmas 2020 in Germany: The Gift of the BioNTech Vax Read Journal Article

Australian Medical Regulator Finally Relaxes Covid Gag Order

Australian Medical Regulator Finally Relaxes Covid Gag Order


Next year, the implementation of changes to the National Law threaten to further silence doctors on matters that could affect confidence in public health initiatives. Both AMPS and the AMA are opposed to the changes, which the AMA argues “will have major impacts on the lives and work of medical practitioners without improving standards of care for patients.”

Australian Medical Regulator Finally Relaxes Covid Gag Order Read Journal Article

The New Biosecurity State - Brownstone Institute

The New Biosecurity State


The danger is that there will be no real bar to them repeating it next time. It’s only if you really punish them. With atrocities we have this notion of command responsibility. You don’t go after the foot soldiers, but you do charge the general or the dictator with atrocity crimes, with crimes against humanity, with ethnic cleansing, and put them in jail. That sends a message.

The New Biosecurity State Read Journal Article

Are Safety Reports from Covid mRNA Shots Due to Lack of FDA Ingredient Clarity? - Brownstone Institute

Are Safety Reports from Covid mRNA Shots Due to Lack of FDA Ingredient Clarity?


Not providing ingredient transparency and assuring quality via an appropriate sampling methodology is a fundamental and basic requirement of the FDA. In fact, it was the primary reason for the formation of the FDA! Don’t Americans deserve better transparency, oversight, and “truthful labeling” laws when it comes to our pharmaceuticals – especially since those laws were made over 100 years ago?

Are Safety Reports from Covid mRNA Shots Due to Lack of FDA Ingredient Clarity? Read Journal Article

“Vaccelerate!”: German-EU Programme Aims to Facilitate Fast-Vax For “Next Pandemic”

“Vaccelerate!”: German-EU Programme Aims to Facilitate Fast-Vax for “Next Pandemic”


Already missing the Covid-19 pandemic? Well, fear not. The German-EU “VACCELERATE” programme is already on the lookout for the next “pathogen with pandemic potential,” as authors affiliated with the programme put it in a new paper titled “Predicting the next pandemic.”

“Vaccelerate!”: German-EU Programme Aims to Facilitate Fast-Vax for “Next Pandemic” Read Journal Article

Scientific Meta-Analysis is Broken

Scientific Meta-Analysis is Broken


Systematic review and meta-analysis should not just be a reflection of power — who can fund the most RCTs, who can perform the most statistical wizardry. They should be about gathering the most high quality information from wherever we can find it to create the most comprehensive picture of any problem and any proposed remedy.

Scientific Meta-Analysis is Broken Read Journal Article

Modified Spike mRNA: There Are no 'Desired Proteins'

Modified Spike mRNA: There Are No ‘Desired Proteins’


In light of this new work by Mulroney el al., it is clear that these products require recall and investigation. It is curious that the manufacturers had every opportunity and resource to assess the dangers of off-target protein production for subsequent amerlioration – or at least illumination – of these dangers prior to injecting billions of people with them, but did not exploit these opportunities.

Modified Spike mRNA: There Are No ‘Desired Proteins’ Read Journal Article

FDA Fails to Address DNA Adulteration Concerns

FDA Fails to Address DNA Adulteration Concerns


It must be concluded that the risks associated with DNA plasmid fragment adulteration when delivered with the highly active lipid nanoparticle formulations of COMIRNATY and SPIKEVAX are both real and uncharacterized, and consistent with US Federal statute CFR Title 21, CHAPTER 9, SUBCHAPTER V § 351, the products must be withdrawn from the market until the necessary tests have been performed and safety demonstrated.

FDA Fails to Address DNA Adulteration Concerns Read Journal Article

Justice for the Vaccine-Injured: A Ray of Hope?

Justice for the Vaccine-Injured: A Ray of Hope?


Fortunately, the cries of the Covid-19 vaccine-injured have been heard by some in the halls of Congress. Representative Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) has introduced the comprehensive bipartisan Vaccine Injury Compensation Modernization Act (H.R. 5142) and the Vaccine Access Improvement Act (H.R. 5143). This legislation would not only transfer Covid-19 injury claims to the VICP, but would also make that program far more efficient with increasingly robust benefits for the injured.

Justice for the Vaccine-Injured: A Ray of Hope? Read Journal Article