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Japan’s Covid Nightmare 


Japan hit 80 percent full vaccination (which translates into over 90 percent vaccination of adults) on 9 December 2021 when its Covid daily death rate was 0.01 per million. This had risen to 3.43 per million on 9 January 2023. Total deaths had increased from 18,370 to 63,777 over that period. Thus 2.5 times as many people died with Covid in the 13.5 months after than in the 21.3 months before 80 percent full vaccination. Yet they still refuse to entertain the notion that vaccines might be the problem, not the solution.

Japan’s Covid Nightmare  Read Journal Article

medical freedom

Major New Statement on Medical Freedom


An attack on the free speech of doctors and medical scientists is being waged across America today. While controversy is inherent in scientific advancement, and scientific knowledge continuously evolves, disagreement with the federal public health recommendations has led to draconian censorship and suppression. Doctors have been investigated, lost their specialty board certifications, and even lost their medical licenses for speaking out publicly against federal guidelines.

Major New Statement on Medical Freedom Read Journal Article


My First Anti-Lockdown Article from 2020


Government power to manage infectious disease is not necessary. It is not likely to be effective, either. And when it is not effective, the tendency is to overreact in the opposite direction, clamping down and abusing, exactly as we’ve seen with the war on terror and China’s response to this virus, which might be as serious as seasonal flu outbreaks. Still, people assume that government is doing its job, government fails, and then government gets more power and does awful things with it.

My First Anti-Lockdown Article from 2020 Read Journal Article

morality, virtue, and courage

The Shift from Personal to Positional Morality


Moral courage is risky: it has a price, which is why it is called courage. As Aristotle famously declared, “Courage is the first virtue because it makes all other virtues possible.” If that is true, and it is, then the power to reverse attempts to remake Western society into one devoid of the fundamental moral values that enable all individuals to thrive peacefully lies ultimately – and only – within each individual. 

The Shift from Personal to Positional Morality Read Journal Article

Where Did All the Workers Go?

Where Did All the Workers Go?


How can you generate far more deaths in 2021 – ascribing them to unvaccination – with a dramatically smaller number of unvaccinated people? In 2021, perhaps 20-40% of these group life insureds were unvaccinated. In 2020, 100% of them were unvaccinated, yet mortality barely rose. The math doesn’t come close to working. 

Where Did All the Workers Go? Read Journal Article

Requiem for Jacinda Ardern’s Political Life 

Requiem for Jacinda Ardern’s Political Life 


Ardern’s government, in an absurd overreach, also funded a nationwide effort to discredit critics of policy, labeling them terrorists. This has divided a formerly egalitarian society, instituting a Stasi-like snitch culture that encourages us to dob in a neighbour. Government Disinformation Project employees appeared on funded films aired on television labeling knitting, blond hair, braids, vaccine hesitancy, love of natural foods, Yoga, and yes, motherhood as signs of terrorism that should be reported to the intelligence services.

Requiem for Jacinda Ardern’s Political Life  Read Journal Article

fight for freedom

Join Forces and Fight for Freedom


We must all join forces in the fight for the right to express ourselves, to think, to doubt, to come together in the public square to discuss, reason and shape society. This battle will not be easy, and there are many indications that it will soon intensify. But surrender is not an option, for what is at stake is a future fitting for humanity. We must fight for it in brotherhood, armed with compassion, courage and integrity.

Join Forces and Fight for Freedom Read Journal Article

Dr. Sally Price

The Re-education of Dr Sally Price


Dr Price says that, as it stands, the system has strayed from its primary purpose of letting doctors be doctors and putting patients first. She speaks to a culture of fear within the medical profession. “The thing to understand is that doctors feel like someone is always behind them waiting to stab them in the back or put a bag over their head. That’s how it feels being under AHPRA,” she says. 

The Re-education of Dr Sally Price Read Journal Article

Lockdowns Were Counterterrorism, Not Public Health 

Lockdowns Were Counterterrorism, Not Public Health 


Anyone who knows what our Covid response policy truly was is theoretically barred from revealing it. We do know the public health agencies were not in charge of the policy, and we know they were pushed out of their leadership role in coordinating and implementing the response. So Fauci et al. are technically correct if they claim no responsibility – although how they could in good conscience advocate such policies is another matter. 

Lockdowns Were Counterterrorism, Not Public Health  Read Journal Article

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