
Brownstone Journal Articles, News, Research, and Commentary on public health, science, economics, & social theory

public health officials

We Need Mass Resignations 


Pick your reason for the current outrage: stupidity, ignorance, or craving for power. Any of those should disqualify these people from serving in any capacity related to or associated with public health. Consideration should also be given to firing those who put these people into positions to cause suffering in those they were ostensibly hired to protect.

We Need Mass Resignations  Read Journal Article

The Mysterious Case of Zika-Microcephaly’s Disappearance


In 2015, a viral pandemic from Northeast Brazil exploded into the news, supported by breathless public health alarms that Zika — a flavivirus acknowledged for decades as harmless — was now suddenly responsible for congenital microcephaly (babies with small heads; diminished intellect). Massive panic predictably ensued.

The Mysterious Case of Zika-Microcephaly’s Disappearance Read Journal Article

World Health Organization

The World Health Organization and Its Holy Days of Obligation 


Of all organisations, the WHO, with its calendar of Holy Days as an aide memoire, should have recognised how so many aspects of health and well-being interlock, and how fighting an existential war with one pathogen would impact other priorities. It had a sane and proportionate respiratory pandemic plan in 2019. 

The World Health Organization and Its Holy Days of Obligation  Read Journal Article

saving their own skin

How to Save Your Skin, According to Bankman-Fried and Fauci 


The madness of lockdowns only intensified the problem. They pretended as if wrong is right and ill- health is health, both physically and mentally. We are so used to lies that many people have grown weary of protesting them. We are so beaten down that we can barely demand that people take responsibility for what they have done. And the perpetuators have become skilled at saving their own skin.

How to Save Your Skin, According to Bankman-Fried and Fauci  Read Journal Article

canada culture of death

Canada: A Gruesome, Terrifying Culture of Death


Trudeau’s demonizing and crushing of the Canadian truckers’ convoy and invoking the Emergency Measures Act against Canadian citizens for daring to dissent with his Corona tyranny, in conjunction with his ridiculous performance on the world stage are all signs of shamelessness, decadence, and deep moral decay. 

Canada: A Gruesome, Terrifying Culture of Death Read Journal Article

public health life years lost

People of the World are Dramatically Losing Years of Life 


The trend of increasing life-years lost is contrary to what would be expected for effective Covid-19 countermeasures, including mass vaccination and lockdowns. The damage in terms of reduced longevity is becoming greater with each passing week. How much longer should we proceed down this road of failed public health policy before we start to reverse the trajectory?

People of the World are Dramatically Losing Years of Life  Read Journal Article

ten principles of public health

Ten Principles of Public Health that Could Save Society


Much of society’s future will be determined by the motivations and integrity of the public health institutions and their workforce. A lot of humility will be required, but this has always been the case. The world will have to watch and see whether those in the field have the courage and integrity to do their job.

Ten Principles of Public Health that Could Save Society Read Journal Article

China economy

The Virus Response is Wrecking China’s Economic Prospects


A growing lack of freedom in Asia’s foremost country is the surest signal we need that China’s lust for greatness is more rhetorical and performative than real. In other words, the only way to be beaten by China is to mimic its authoritarian ways. Please keep this in mind with what indefensibly happened stateside in 2020.

The Virus Response is Wrecking China’s Economic Prospects Read Journal Article


New Emails Chronicle Lab-Leak Coverup in Real Time


The picture is increasingly coming into focus. The Chinese Government, Fauci & Co and many within the U.S. intelligence community and biodefence network are covering up the origin of the virus and frustrating efforts to investigate it because they are themselves implicated in the research that likely created it and because they do not want biodefence research discredited.

New Emails Chronicle Lab-Leak Coverup in Real Time Read Journal Article

pandemic hysteria

Let the Real Investigations Begin


Indeed, it would not be going too far to say that the eruption of irrationality and hysteria in America during 2020-2021 most resembled not 1954, when Senator McCarthy set the nation looking for communist moles behind every government desk, or 1919, when the notorious raids of Attorney General Mitchell were rounding up purported Reds in their tens of thousands, but the winter of 1691-1692. That’s when two little girls—Elizabeth Parris and Abigail Williams of Salem, Massachusetts—fell into the demonic activity of fortune-telling, which soon found them getting strangely ill, having fits, spouting gibberish, and contorting their bodies into odd positions.

Let the Real Investigations Begin Read Journal Article