
Brownstone Journal Articles, News, Research, and Commentary on public health, science, economics, & social theory

Rock Climbers, Skaters, and Risk Assessment


We all make our own decisions based on our risk tolerances. Yes, that’s the most workable solution of all. Would that we had seen the merit of this approach back in March 2020 before the world pursued the worst and most destructive policies of virus containment in living memory (or probably ever).

Rock Climbers, Skaters, and Risk Assessment Read Journal Article

Virus Control Is the New Feudalism


The social contract we practice with regard to the threat of infectious diseases is that we manage them intelligently while never trampling on the dignity of the human person. The payoff is that our immune systems get stronger, enabling all of us to enjoy longer and healthier lives – not just some of us, not just the legally privileged, not just those with access to platforms to speak but rather every single member of the human community.

Virus Control Is the New Feudalism Read Journal Article

The Role of Lockdowns in Cuban Political Change


Lockdowns provided a fantastic pretext for governments all over the world to do to their citizens what they wanted to do anyway, which is to restrict human rights and control every movement of the people. This time they could do it in the name of public health, and with the blessing of science.

The Role of Lockdowns in Cuban Political Change Read Journal Article

A Sensible and Compassionate Anti-Covid Strategy


The single most important fact about the COVID pandemic—in terms of deciding how to respond to it on both an individual and a governmental basis—is that it is not equally dangerous for everybody. This became clear very early on, but for some reason our public health messaging failed to get this fact out to the public.

A Sensible and Compassionate Anti-Covid Strategy Read Journal Article