Search Results for: Israel


My Transition from Nuclear to Covid


The case for nuclear weapons rests on a superstitious belief of magical Realism in the utility of the bomb and the theory of deterrence.  The extreme destructiveness of nuclear weapons makes them qualitatively different in political and moral terms from other weapons, to the point of rendering them virtually unusable. Like the emperor who had no clothes, this might well be the truest explanation of why they have not been used since 1945.

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Was “Philip Cross” an AI?


Will future campaigns to control Wikipedia narratives rely on this technology? What is the future of a crowd-sourced knowledge base such as Wikipedia that depends on the high cost in human time and social interaction of making an edit to a controversial topic when the ability to automate this makes it close to free? 

Was “Philip Cross” an AI? Read More

Racism, Anti-Semitism, Genocide, and Eugenics in the COVID Era

Racism, Anti-Semitism, Genocide, and Eugenics in the COVID Era


Over the past couple of years, the presentations I have seen have become, in my opinion, too caught up in left-wing/right-wing rhetoric, with a large majority of the slings and arrows directed at the right, such that the key historical lessons, in my opinion, have been missed. Given my belief that this country is divided in ways that have not been seen since the Civil War, this type of public discourse is only making matters worse.

Racism, Anti-Semitism, Genocide, and Eugenics in the COVID Era Read More

rights of previously infected

The Rights of the Previously Infected


Suppose for the sake of argument that you accept natural immunity as equally good or better than vaccine-induced immunity in protecting from severe disease. What are the ethical consequences? Vaccinating the recovered without informing them that they don’t need it violates both the principles of informed consent and the classic medical ethic of not treating without necessity. Doses are wasted on the immune instead of saving the lives of the vulnerable in developing countries. 

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The Treason of the Healers


During the middle years of the 20th century, the social privilege, deference and power previously granted to clerics, and then to writers, was bequeathed to the science-based healers. While they have done much to improve our lives with the money and authority we have given them, they have—even though they seem largely unaware of it—now fallen into a grave state of moral decadence.

The Treason of the Healers Read More

If It’s Over, Why the Continued Emergency?


But America lost most lives due to the lockdowns and school closures, and we lost above all, our freedoms. It is time to allow America to be unshackled from these COVID policies. Completely. Living life freely once again, taking reasonable precautions, unfettered by government’s failed COVID lockdown policies whereby not one has worked! 

If It’s Over, Why the Continued Emergency? Read More

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