Search Results for: totalitarian


What We Can Learn from Ancient Spartans about Courage


The neo-fascists may (and probably do) think of themselves as putatively superhuman beings, but they are just as prone as any other group of people to squabbling among themselves, in this way undermining or derailing their plans. The ‘resistance’ to their unscrupulous programme of domination – that means, everyone who has taken up the fight against them – therefore has to remind themselves that, even when things look bleak, one has to remain steadfast, and courageous. 

What We Can Learn from Ancient Spartans about Courage Read More

punk is dead

Punk Rock Is Dead, Killed by the CDC 


Many artists who once represented the true essence of renegade rock and punk, those who embraced it early on (Neil Young is a great example from his wonderful Rust Never Sleeps) had actually become the establishment, clearly a group of people who would censor and even destroy if one did not follow the rules of the establishment. 

Punk Rock Is Dead, Killed by the CDC  Read More


The Politicization of Banking and the End of Freedom


Banks would then become instruments of political persecution and totalitarian groupthink instead of institutions devoted to the provision of banking services to the citizenry at large. The price of political dissent would become far too high for many citizens. The public square would quickly degenerate into an echo-chamber of opinions approved by the banking establishment. 

The Politicization of Banking and the End of Freedom Read More

ESG woke Pfizer

Pfizer’s New Woke Face 


It is also likely that some mutual back-scratching is at play in Pfizer’s support for the Voice. The Australian Government did Pfizer a solid when it signed off on secret Covid vaccine contracts that the public is not privy to, provisionally approved the under-tested shots despite glaring reasons not to, and purchased stocks in gross excess, resulting in massive wastage. Now, it’s Pfizer’s turn to add value to the Australian Government’s agenda. As previously mentioned, the sitting government is leading the YES campaign for the Voice referendum.

Pfizer’s New Woke Face  Read More

The Blind Brute Blunders Forth

The Blind Brute Blunders Forth


What are the chances that a natural addition of the PB2 gene segment to the H5N1 bird flu virus would occur? Pretty slight, if not impossible, one would guess. The mere fact that such research (which also includes the laboratory construction of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Wuhan) has occurred, and is probably still taking place, is an unmistakable manifestation of the kind of irrationality that Kafka, Schopenhauer, and Freud unmasked on the part of the not-so-sapiens human race.

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technology tyranny

Technology and a Tyranny Worse than Prison 


There is a lesson in this as far as the ineluctable need for action is concerned when rational argument with would-be oppressors gets one nowhere. This is especially the case when it becomes obvious that these oppressors are not remotely interested in a reasonable exchange of ideas, but summarily resort to the current unreasonable incarnation of technical rationality, namely AI-controlled mass surveillance, with the purpose of subjugating entire populations. 

Technology and a Tyranny Worse than Prison  Read More

The German Faith in Authority


Not only do media commentaries and politicians casually discuss discriminatory measures against unvaccinated people without being attacked for it by their peers, but ‘normal’ citizens, including highly accomplished academics, are doing so as well. The sudden switch of the political agenda from Covid-19 to the Ukraine illustrates that this is not Covid-exclusive behaviour.

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