Search Results for: totalitarian

industrial cartel

How Lockdowns Bolstered an Industrial Cartel


The introduction of digital commerce in the late 20th century threatened a new age of commercial freedom that came to a screeching halt with the lockdowns of 2020. In this sense, lockdowns were not “progressive” at all but profoundly conservative in the old-fashioned sense of the term. It was an establishment fighting to preserve and entrench its power. Perhaps that was the whole point all along. 

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who are the censors?

Deny, Deflect, Defend: The Censors’ Strategy on Display


While the government’s denials and deflections are insulting to the citizens they purport to represent, we must remain focused on their aim: they appealed Doughty’s order because they oppose constitutional restraints on their control of information. We would hope that requiring the government to obey the Constitution would be uncontroversial; now, it may signify whether the rule of law still stands in the United States. 

Deny, Deflect, Defend: The Censors’ Strategy on Display Read More

The Catastrophic Covid Convergence


How did my family, friends and neighbors – who I thought shared my liberal, humanist values – turn into a group-thinking, bullying herd? What forces were exerted to erase scientific and intellectual integrity from the minds of literally millions of doctors, scientists, economists, journalists, educators and other normally curious and compassionate people worldwide?

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The Culpability of the New York Times: Then and Now


The whole sorry episode speaks to a much larger and more entrenched problem: the symbiotic relationship between Big Media and the administrative state. It’s the permanent bureaucracy that serves the journalists’ primary and most credible source material. The higher the journalist or the bureaucrat rises in the profession, the fatter the rolodex grows on both ends. They maintain constant communication, as the FOIA’d emails about the pandemic have repeatedly shown. 

The Culpability of the New York Times: Then and Now Read More

Silence of the Damned

Silence of the Damned


None of our civil institutions shows the slightest inclination to talk about the injustices of the last few years, let alone the possibility that those injustices continue their impact today, and could emerge again at any time. All it needs is another ‘crisis’ and the whole sorry saga could start all over again.

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The Demonization of the Unvaccinated: A Look Back


It was never remotely realistic for any government to expect every single person to get vaccinated, especially when the vaccine in question involved a novel genetic-based therapy. Thus, these proposals to impose draconian hardships on those who refused Covid vaccines would inevitably involve the state imposing draconian hardships on a sizable portion of the population.

The Demonization of the Unvaccinated: A Look Back Read More


The Road to Oceania


For many, living in a state of constant surveillance seems only natural – especially for younger generations that have lived their lives online and have had their every movement since childhood tracked by their parents through their phones to ensure their safety. News of government doing the same, although sometimes with fancier tools like automatic license plate readers and facial recognition, no longer even causes a stir. 

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