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WHO’s Edict Caused the Lockdown Disaster

WHO’s Edict Caused the Lockdown Disaster


The W.H.O’s rousing endorsement of the “China model” of lockdowns should have been considered “junk science” before the governments of the world pulled the trigger on these “virus-mitigation” mandates, civil-liberty-eviscerating dictates which also caused a public health disaster for the people of the world.

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failure of lockdowns

The Failure of Lockdowns: IEA Speaks


“Numerous misleading studies, driven by subjective models and overlooking significant factors like voluntary behaviour changes, heavily influenced the initial perception of lockdowns as highly effective measures. Our meta-analysis suggests that when researchers account for additional variables, such as voluntary behaviour, the impact of lockdowns becomes negligible.”

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end of laughter

The Tragic End of Laughter 


It’s pretty hard to laugh when you’ve been inoculated with fear and isolation. Paralyzing gaslighting was the starting point. But the constant and continuing drumbeat of fear and necessary isolation transcend simple gaslighting. Fear and isolation were beneath the plunger being pushed down hard in the first needle forcibly stabbed into the world’s arms. And, that original fear-and-isolation inoculation of stress provided the opportunity for more tangible inoculations. Denial of natural immunity amplified any justification for, if not providing an outright blessing on many of these outrages. 

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We Must Have Accountability


The current crop of failed fearmongering virus prophets coupled with the low-uptake of boosters is stark and terrible reminder that the institutions that prided themselves on public health damaged the public trust more than anything else. Your trust should be in the bedrock of our Constitution, not in some self-endowed title of “science.”  Public trust in our institutions is sinking and it will require a public trial of our policy decisions to right the ship.

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Brownstone Institute - History Will Remember Tegnell's Covid Heroism

History Will Remember Tegnell’s Covid Heroism


As is well known, Sweden handled the Covid pandemic in a different way to the rest of the world. There were no closures of economic activities or schools and national borders were kept open. Anders Tegnell worked as the state epidemiologist in the Swedish Public Health Authority (FHM) during the pandemic. He was not the top leader of FHM, but in his capacity as state epidemiologist became FHM’s external face. Together with journalist Fanny Härgestam, Tegnell has written a book about the pandemic and here is a summary of it.

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Fauci and the Hagiographical Style of American Journalism


Norah O’Donnell has known Dr. Fauci and his wife for ages: “How are you guys?” she starts her interview with Dr. Fauci for InStyle Magazine where Fauci posed for the most hubris-exuding photo of the pandemic. “With all due modesty, I think I’m pretty effective!” – Dr. Anthony Fauci, July 2020, InStyle Magazine

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Human Rights Discarded at the Gates of Hell

Human Rights Discarded at the Gates of Hell


Human rights claims are claims by citizens on governments. The advocacy, juridical, and enforcement revolutions in human rights led to a rapid expansion of governmental activism on legislation backed by monitoring and compliance machinery. Yet human rights are also abused most systematically, pervasively and widely by governments. 

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ghosts of science

The Ghosts of Science Past


Many of those who claim to represent science are no longer objective. Science educators teach orthodoxy. Science communicators openly engage in blatant marketing campaigns. Scientific consensuses are manufactured when needed. All of these components in how scientific knowledge is disseminated and how trust in science is built are now tools to advance and support official policy. All have become ghosts of what they used to be. 

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