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Brownstone Institute - Filtration of Rooms Didn’t Work Either

Room Filtration Didn’t Work Either


Yes, you remember those days. Let’s say you have installed a new HVAC system. That’s good but it does not quite do the trick. You still must stay away from everyone. You have to mask up, outdoors even. You have to wash your hands constantly. You have to spray everything down with sanitizer. I mean, it seems like your whole life is consumed by fear of disease. 

Room Filtration Didn’t Work Either Read More

Why it Is Ethical To Resist the Biosecurity Surveillance State


The hour is later than we think; twilight is near. Continued compliance with manifestly unjust and often absurd mandates will not return us to a normal functioning society. Every good-faith or selfless act of compliance on the part of citizens has only resulted in more illogical pandemic “countermeasures” that further erode our civil liberties, harm our overall health, and undermine human flourishing.

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The Global Wave of Childhood Pneumonia

The Global Wave of Childhood Pneumonia


It’s not only China that is dealing with increasing numbers of respiratory illnesses. The Netherlands and Denmark reported a sharp rise in pneumonia and whooping cough in children, while England is noticing a brutal cold virus in adults and children and Argentina reported a strep A breakout. Most recently in the US, a childhood pneumonia outbreak, dubbed white lung syndrome, has been reported. 

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first amendment covid

Shouting Covid in a Crowded Theater


The Covid Leviathan stripped Americans of their First Amendment rights and divided them as well. Bureaucrats worked to stifle journalists who reported on inconvenient facts, President Biden attacked his own citizens as unpatriotic, and Anthony Fauci coordinated attacks against scientists who dared to challenge his authority. 

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Why Academia Is Drawn to Fascism


Central to the lure of fascism is the lie that power will not corrupt us. As illustrated poignantly in The Hobbit, the lure of fascism – even to the morally upright person – is the delusion that he can both hold absolute power and continue to be a morally good person. By succumbing to the lure of power, an otherwise good person succumbs to the lie that power corrupts everyone else, but not himself, because he is Better.

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The Origins and Development of Upside-down America


We have called this Progressive Fascism because at bottom it turns the very idea of America upside-down by subordinating the citizen to the state and by attaining the collective good through the centralized exercise of political power rather than the liberty-based endeavors of a free people.

The Origins and Development of Upside-down America Read More

disinformation and censorship

Disinformation, Censorship, and Information Warfare in the 21st Century


It’s morally, legally, and intellectually repugnant that federal officials in the United States have constructed a vast apparatus for censoring legal speech, bypassing the First Amendment—without informing the public—on the pretext that the activities of foreign regimes which have been deliberately permitted on our online platforms have gotten so out of control.

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A View of Kant from the East

A View of Kant from the East


Kant literally changed the way we think about ourselves; what Copernicus achieved for astronomy – altering the assumptions of the place of planet Earth in what we now understand as our solar system – Kant did for philosophy, which is why he thought of himself as bringing about a Copernican revolution in philosophy. In brief: Kant demonstrated, with thorough argumentation, that instead of humans experiencing the world ‘passively’ by merely registering on their senses the impressions of external ‘reality,’ we actually contribute to the way the world appears to us.

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