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deification of mathematical modeling

The Deification of Mathematical Modeling


These weren’t prophets warning us about the future. They were profiteering charlatans who knew what they were paid to predict. Their training taught them that this was utter statistical malpractice but not one of them objected as to how their work was being used. It was produced to be propaganda and they were happy to please their benefactors.

The Deification of Mathematical Modeling Read More

Remdesivir Kidneys Covid Hospital

How Did Remdesivir Obtain Approval for Kidney Disease?


Remdesivir may be the most despised drug in American history, earning the nickname Run Death Is Near for its lethal record during COVID.  Experts claimed that it would stop COVID; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs.  Now this reviled destroyer of kidneys has been approved by the FDA for COVID treatment of kidney patients.  

How Did Remdesivir Obtain Approval for Kidney Disease? Read More

Reflections on the Bret Weinstein Interview

Reflections on the Bret Weinstein Interview


Tucker Carlson has conducted a brilliant interview with biologist and podcaster Bret Weinstein, who has been on the Covid case for a very long time. Weinstein speaks with erudition, expertise, and great precision about a number of features of the Covid response. Mercifully, Tucker lets him speak. I urge you to take an hour and watch the entire episode. 

Reflections on the Bret Weinstein Interview Read More

It Ends as it Began: As a Political Ploy


It should rattle any concerned citizen of the US – or just any rational person – that such a massive issue as a deadly pandemic could be turned on and off by perception management by powerful elites in government, tech, and media. And yet, the evidence is overwhelming that we have seen just such an operation at work over these pandemic years. 

It Ends as it Began: As a Political Ploy Read More

Royal Society

Royal Society Ignores High-Quality Evidence and Embraces Politically Acceptable Conclusions


The Royal Society review shows that some academics are losing their ability to think critically. Instead of retrofitting evidence to preconceived conclusions, it would be much better to report the uncertainties and set out those questions that need addressing. Refusal to acknowledge uncertainties does a disservice to society and undermines public trust in research.

Royal Society Ignores High-Quality Evidence and Embraces Politically Acceptable Conclusions Read More

The Great Taking Exposes the Financial End Game

The Great Taking Exposes the Financial End Game


One of the very best exposés of the covert, very well-hidden, bellicose attempts to rob all of humanity – barring the miniscule number of psychotic individuals comprising the inimical opposition – of their material possessions and their ‘immaterial’ freedom, was published fairly recently. It is accurately titled The Great Taking (2023), and was written by David Webb, one of the most courageous and finance-savvy authors I have ever come across.

The Great Taking Exposes the Financial End Game Read More

Why the Silence on Lockdowns?


They managed to destroy countless businesses, upend human rights, kill millions, cast hundreds of millions deeper into poverty, strain the mental health of billions, and transfer trillions of dollars in wealth from the world’s poorest to the very richest—all while failing to slow the spread of a virus that was subsequently confirmed to have an infection fatality rate under 0.2%.

Why the Silence on Lockdowns? Read More

Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word 


Karma is already turning on the whole gang of coercive totalitarians here and abroad. While the virus is invisible, the people who dreamed up and enforced lockdowns and mandates who wrecked the country are highly visible. They have names and careers, and they are right to be very worried about their futures. First step: apologize.

Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word  Read More

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