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How Can Severe Mental Illness be the Deadliest Covid Comorbidity?


It is not remotely plausible that “learning disabilities” have a physiological connection or influence on the pathological course of covid infection or disease, certainly not en masse that would show up as a stronger safety signal than both age and obesity. The proposition that an otherwise perfectly healthy individual with a learning disability is at a higher risk from covid than your 83-year-old grandma is so absurd that it should call the entire study into doubt.

How Can Severe Mental Illness be the Deadliest Covid Comorbidity? Read More

Covid Response Museum

The Covid Response Museum


The target inauguration date for the museum is March 25, 2023, which is the third anniversary of mass incarceration of one-sixth of humanity, i.e. India’s first lockdown. To start, the museum will be online. We also encourage people to setup physical museums using the material from this website, under creative commons license: free to share with attribution.

The Covid Response Museum Read More

collapsing health systems

The Great Resignation in a Collapsing Health System


In an increasing number of countries all over the world chaos and despair is rising. People are more frequently ill and dying at higher rates than the past 50 years. At the same time health systems are deteriorating. We need to rethink humanness of health systems versus cold technological solutions.  

The Great Resignation in a Collapsing Health System Read More

Who Ultimately Wins in a Society of Flash Mob Moralists? 


While it may make a lot of people feel good about themselves at the moment, it will only further corrode trust in the rule of law— a shift that always favors the powerful—and take valuable energy away from the urgent task of fighting massive and systematic government and corporate assaults on our dignity and freedom.

Who Ultimately Wins in a Society of Flash Mob Moralists?  Read More

The Treason of the Healers


During the middle years of the 20th century, the social privilege, deference and power previously granted to clerics, and then to writers, was bequeathed to the science-based healers. While they have done much to improve our lives with the money and authority we have given them, they have—even though they seem largely unaware of it—now fallen into a grave state of moral decadence.

The Treason of the Healers Read More

fight for freedom

Join Forces and Fight for Freedom


We must all join forces in the fight for the right to express ourselves, to think, to doubt, to come together in the public square to discuss, reason and shape society. This battle will not be easy, and there are many indications that it will soon intensify. But surrender is not an option, for what is at stake is a future fitting for humanity. We must fight for it in brotherhood, armed with compassion, courage and integrity.

Join Forces and Fight for Freedom Read More

European Union censorship

How the EU is Forcing Twitter to Censor (and Musk Can’t Stop It)


Does anyone really imagine that the Biden administration has anything remotely like this sort of capacity to direct the actions of online platforms? Make no mistake about it. Twitter censorship is government censorship. But the government in question is not the US government, but rather the European Union, and the EU is, in effect, imposing its censorship on the entire world.

How the EU is Forcing Twitter to Censor (and Musk Can’t Stop It) Read More

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