Search Results for: %5C%22Covid+Crimes%5C%22

The Dark Side of the Force Isn't Actually Paved in Black

The Dark Side of the Force Isn’t Actually Paved in Black


The analogy that Star Wars fans do not get is that the Evil Empire could be equated to the real rulers of the earth today. “The Resistance” might equate to the 10 percent of world citizens who are fighting back in the face of overwhelming odds. Why don’t more people understand who the Evil Empire really is…and who are really the Good Guys fighting back?

The Dark Side of the Force Isn’t Actually Paved in Black Read More

BLM Versus Lockdowns: Four Years Later

BLM Versus Lockdowns: Four Years Later


The contrast between the lockdowns for the virus and the widespread tolerance and encouragement of gatherings to protest racism, followed by lockdowns once those were over, followed by gatherings to celebrate Trump’s defeat, all in the course of one political season, was just too much for many observers. It was this back-and-forth, selective manipulation of public-health messaging that began to unravel the entire Covid regime. It broke the psychology of compulsion and control, and revealed the underlying vacuity of the entire calamity.

BLM Versus Lockdowns: Four Years Later Read More

fight for freedom

The Fight for Freedom is Not Over; It is Only Beginning


It is time to turn around and face the people we have condemned unjustly and unfairly. Current disclosures and revelations demonstrate conclusively that the state knew about the problems inherent in vaccines, they knew they were lying to the population about lockdowns, mandates, and passports, and they were complicit in a program of deliberate, calculated social manipulation and abuse. It is not surprising to me that many astute participants in this deceit have jumped ship, retired, or sought legal advice. Only the diehard fanatics remain to write their version of history.

The Fight for Freedom is Not Over; It is Only Beginning Read More

the unforgivable sin

The Unforgivable Sin


We must judge the authorities all over the world who relentlessly pumped out panic-laden, often knowingly false propaganda during the past three years, in order to provoke fear and despair, while deliberately silencing and censoring all attempts at promoting a more balanced and healthy view; how they stifled critical thinking. And it is in this light that we must view the disastrous consequences of this conduct, and how it first and foremost harmed the young, the poor; our smallest brethren. 

The Unforgivable Sin Read More

Brownstone Institute - censorship

Internet Censorship, Everywhere All at Once


The conundrum for free and open societies has always been the same: How to protect human rights and democracy from hate speech and disinformation without destroying human rights and democracy in the process. The answer embodied in the recent coordinated enactment of global censorship laws is not encouraging for the future of free and open societies.

Internet Censorship, Everywhere All at Once Read More

australia moves to re-racialize

As the US De-racializes, Australia Moves to Re-racialize the Constitution


Permanently codifying racial grievance into the Constitution will guarantee it is weaponised sometime in the not too distant future by activists making increasingly radical demands and stoking resentment and backlash. If approved, the Voice will not mark the end of a successful process of reconciliation but the beginning of fresh claims for co-sovereignty, treaty and reparations, using the constitutional voice as the enabling mechanism.

As the US De-racializes, Australia Moves to Re-racialize the Constitution Read More

The Familiarity of Old Evils: The Zone of Interest Movie Review

The Familiarity of Old Evils: The Zone of Interest Movie Review


I think my hunch was correct — a movie about an entire society that ignored the genocide all around them hit a bit too close to home for Manohla Dargis and her bosses at the NY Times who have spent the last four years ignoring the genocide all around them. But for anyone trying to understand the murderous actions of the Covidians and their unwillingness to take responsibility for their crimes, this film is illuminating.

The Familiarity of Old Evils: The Zone of Interest Movie Review Read More

Philosophy of Law for the Modern World

Philosophy of Law for the Modern World


Would it not have been unimaginably exhilarating if this court verdict and (hypothetical) sentence had binding power? But it does not. Hence, the struggle continues, and we shall never give up. That this is worthwhile was recently confirmed when the news broke about the World Health Organisation suffering a colossal setback, when it failed to get the amendments approved which would assure its sought-after ‘pandemic treaty’ to be ratified. There are other victories too, which we, the resistance, are pursuing, without the least thought of ever backing down.

Philosophy of Law for the Modern World Read More

XX-XY Athletics: Because Real Fairness Matters- Brownstone Institute

XX-XY Athletics: Because Real Fairness Matters


We are not anti-trans. We are pro-woman. And we believe everyone deserves the chance to play fairly. The vast majority of Americans agree. But most are too afraid to speak up and be smeared as a bigot. I hope this brand – designed for and by women – can inspire the silent majority to stand up for women and girls. Our fans will know that when they join us, they’ll get the very best athletic clothing and they will not stand alone.

XX-XY Athletics: Because Real Fairness Matters Read More

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