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Join the Resistance


The challenges of our time are completely different from the past. We must counter ruling-class opinion on empirical, legal, and practical grounds. We need all hands on deck to make it clear: we will not relent, no matter how many strange edicts are issued from above, no matter how many big shots tell us otherwise, no matter how many tricks and ploys come our way. 

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First Comply, Then We’ll Grant You Some Rights


The political establishment is so devoted to this cause that it is hard to see how we can extricate ourselves. Accepting the first lockdown was the decisive point. We sacrificed our rights due to fear, and nearly two years later, we still don’t have them back. It was as obvious then as it is now: power is never seized and then voluntarily returned. 

First Comply, Then We’ll Grant You Some Rights Read More

Why it Is Ethical To Resist the Biosecurity Surveillance State


The hour is later than we think; twilight is near. Continued compliance with manifestly unjust and often absurd mandates will not return us to a normal functioning society. Every good-faith or selfless act of compliance on the part of citizens has only resulted in more illogical pandemic “countermeasures” that further erode our civil liberties, harm our overall health, and undermine human flourishing.

Why it Is Ethical To Resist the Biosecurity Surveillance State Read More

vaccine mRNA

Editor at “Pro-Vaccine Publication” Experienced Serious Adverse Event After Second Pfizer Shot


As a journalist, I cannot say much more than the best available facts suggest, but as has been clear for far too long, the mRNA vaccines were not beneficial and safe on a population-level for young, healthy men — yet the CDC and FDA didn’t care. Hopefully, “pro-vaccine publication[s]” may recognize the harm they helped perpetuate.

Editor at “Pro-Vaccine Publication” Experienced Serious Adverse Event After Second Pfizer Shot Read More

Why Are So Many Choosing a Life in a Cage? ~ Dr. Julie Ponesse


“Today, we face substantial rewards for compliance; if we comply with the government’s pandemic response measures (masking, distancing, lockdowns, and now the ever-increasing and nebulous vaccine rollout), we are granted the conditional privilege of reentrance into society; and the penalties for failing to comply? being bullied, shamed, excluded, cancelled, even fined or arrested.”

Why Are So Many Choosing a Life in a Cage? ~ Dr. Julie Ponesse Read More

Twenty Steps to End the Madness


The medical experts and these Task Forces have been wrong. Every decision has proven disastrous and they have caused far greater suffering and death from the collateral effects of the lockdowns and restrictions. Medical experts who inform governments should broaden the advisement table and allow other voices to be heard. Allow other scientists and lay persons a seat at the table for as it stands, those currently at the table have only made illogical, irrational, unscientific, nonsensical, often absurd and even reckless decisions that have only hurt lives. 

Twenty Steps to End the Madness Read More

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