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Virus Control Is the New Feudalism


The social contract we practice with regard to the threat of infectious diseases is that we manage them intelligently while never trampling on the dignity of the human person. The payoff is that our immune systems get stronger, enabling all of us to enjoy longer and healthier lives – not just some of us, not just the legally privileged, not just those with access to platforms to speak but rather every single member of the human community.

Virus Control Is the New Feudalism Read More

Idiot's Guide to Cooking Data for Aspiring Propagandists

Idiot’s Guide to Cooking Data for Aspiring Propagandists


The following short guidebook will provide the aspiring propagandist, WEF lackey, Communist Apparatchik, Woke Marxist, and seasoned government bureaucrat alike with the tools and knowledge necessary to develop their promising talent into full-bloom mastery of the art of propaganda.

Idiot’s Guide to Cooking Data for Aspiring Propagandists Read More


The Great Overreaction


Illogical fear, driven by a hyperactive media, and by cowardly and controlling government leaders and public health authorities ruled the day. One of the most insidious results of our descent into ignorance about medicine, and our discarding of social contracts and human rights, was the rise of self-righteous intolerance for, and censorship of, anyone who questioned what was happening.

The Great Overreaction Read More

Eggs with a Side of Vindication

Oysters with a Side of Vindication


Oofy turned his attention to his second plate of oysters, then looked me in the eye. “The only thing that was 95% effective was the government propaganda. And of course the margin loans we all used to make squillions on the pharma share price gains. Don’t tell me you missed that boat too, Wooster. Good lord, you are a chump. Even the PM was in on it. His wife held the shares of course. Pass the lemon, there’s a good chap.”

Oysters with a Side of Vindication Read More

Congress and the Pandemic Response: An Interview with Thomas Massie


In this interview, Congressman Massie shares the inside story of those absolutely critical first weeks of lockdowns, providing a deep and penetrating look into why he believed what he did and what fallout that brought down on him during a national hysteria.

Congress and the Pandemic Response: An Interview with Thomas Massie Read More

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