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game over lost

The Game Is Over and They Have Lost


The script has worn itself out. These tropes are now tired and ineffective. The fear pushers seem unaware that the message has lost its effect, but do not have anything else to offer. The tell is not that they publish articles like this. It is how much these pieces show that they don’t know that the game is over and they have lost. 

The Game Is Over and They Have Lost Read More

BLM Versus Lockdowns: Four Years Later

BLM Versus Lockdowns: Four Years Later


The contrast between the lockdowns for the virus and the widespread tolerance and encouragement of gatherings to protest racism, followed by lockdowns once those were over, followed by gatherings to celebrate Trump’s defeat, all in the course of one political season, was just too much for many observers. It was this back-and-forth, selective manipulation of public-health messaging that began to unravel the entire Covid regime. It broke the psychology of compulsion and control, and revealed the underlying vacuity of the entire calamity.

BLM Versus Lockdowns: Four Years Later Read More

Rich Enough to Escape Lockdowns


The rich and left wing could do their jobs from the Hamptons. And so they moved there. And so did their art, and other sources of entertainment. Those who personify “limousine liberal” got out of town because they could, supported lockdowns because they could, but does anyone think their reaction would have been at all similar had their own livelihoods and source of dignity been threatened?

Rich Enough to Escape Lockdowns Read More

Balaji Srinivasan: The Man Who Was Fired Up for Covid


Unlike Tomás Pueyo, it’s unlikely that Balaji’s Twitter prophecies had a major effect on policy—though he did spread a bit of panic to bring these outcomes about. Rather, aside from the uncanny global coordination we observed in COVID policies and propaganda, Balaji’s tweets might be the best evidence so far that this plan to recreate China’s response did, in fact, exist, down to the particular terms and details of how the world would transform.

Balaji Srinivasan: The Man Who Was Fired Up for Covid Read More

Is the Overton Window Real, Imagined, or Constructed?

Is the Overton Window Real, Imagined, or Constructed?


What to do about it? I would suggest a simple answer. Forget the model, which might be completely misconstrued in any case. Just say what is true, with sincerity, without malice, without convoluted hopes of manipulating others. It’s a time for truth, which earns trust. Only that will blow the window wide open and finally demolish it forever.

Is the Overton Window Real, Imagined, or Constructed? Read More

Forget About Covid, They Say

Forget About Covid, They Say


By all means, forget about Covid and live life as normally as possible in defiance of those who live to foster fear. But, never forget the disastrous Covid restrictions that created such destruction. We cannot let anyone off the hook, much less pretend that the policy disaster that created billions of personal tragedies never happened. 

Forget About Covid, They Say Read More

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