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ten trillion dollars

$10 Trillion Stolen Right Under Our Noses


All of the “Covid Relief” numbers are far too big to understand unless one has a good numbers sense and sits quietly in a room with some blank paper and does some ciphering. People thought it was a good idea to spend limitlessly and futilely on Grandma without considering the costs to her adult children and grandkids. Hey, Grandma used to make us cookies; she’s worth whatever we’ve got. And even what we don’t got. Even if we can’t, through the full range of “mitigation,” keep her alive for another two months in a nursing home, where she’s seldom visited. If she has to live in isolation and die alone to “stop the spread,” so be it.

$10 Trillion Stolen Right Under Our Noses Read More

What Can the Stanford Prison Experiment Tell Us

What Can the Stanford Prison Experiment Tell Us about Life in the Pandemic Era?


Given the world in which we have been living for the past two years, despite the numerous flaws critics have found in both Zimbardo’s work, it would seem that both he and other members of social psychology’s golden age can still tell us a lot about how social roles, oppressive environments and powerful authorities can alter the psyches and actions of normal people in pathological ways.

What Can the Stanford Prison Experiment Tell Us about Life in the Pandemic Era? Read More

Are There US Quarantine Camps Right Now?

Are There US Quarantine Camps Right Now?


The problem is not only the abuse; it is power itself. The facilities now being built – they were widely deployed in Australia during the Covid pandemic – are a predictable follow-up. And what could be the point of building and staffing such places except to use them? In government work, it is always the same: use the budget and the power or lose it to another competitive purpose. 

Are There US Quarantine Camps Right Now? Read More

The Tyranny of Coronaphobia


I wonder if we have set ourselves up to repeat the folly every year with annual outbreaks of flu, especially if it is a bad flu season. If not, why not? Perhaps someone will come up with the slogan ‘Flu Lives Matter’. Or governments could just pass laws making it illegal for anyone to fall sick and die.

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this is not going away

Sorry, This Is Not Going Away 


Maybe this book by the Covid Crisis Group hopes to be the last word. This will never happen. We are only at the beginning of this. As the economic, social, cultural, and political problems mount, it will become impossible to ignore the incredibly obvious. The masters of lockdowns are influential and well-connected but not even they can invent their own reality. 

Sorry, This Is Not Going Away  Read More

School Closings and Violent Youth: A Potential Link


Is this Buffalo teen shooter and the Texas teen shooter the last such shooters? I fear not, as we may have damaged the minds of many people irreparably. There are grave consequences due to lockdowns and school closures, not only from a weakened immune system and the vast economic damage, but also due to the wrecked psyches of many young people. 

School Closings and Violent Youth: A Potential Link Read More

The Crazy Covid Copulation Exemption

The Crazy Covid Copulation Exemption


The crazy Covid copulation exemption deserves far more ridicule than it will ever receive. When politicians are permitted to selectively nullify freedom, the injustices will be exceeded only by the absurdities. As historian John Barry, author of The Great Influenza, observed: “When you mix politics and science, you get politics.” 

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