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The Mandate on Business Intensifies the Crisis


21 months. Citizens are desperately struggling to get out from under the yoke of this despotism, and using every opportunity available to do so. Politicians who back these policies are being swept out of office. And yet they carry on. It appears that the sadistic state is quickly becoming a masochistic one. 

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The Greatest Transfer of Wealth From the Middle Class to the Elites in History


The one-two punch of government fiscal and Fed monetary policy continued to destroy the fabric of the economy for the average American. It dislocated the labor markets and the supply chain and it has ultimately led to inflation, which is making the basic cost of living much more expensive for Americans all across the country.

The Greatest Transfer of Wealth From the Middle Class to the Elites in History Read More

The Candy Shortage Is But a Sign of Much Worse


The candy shortage is emblematic of deeper issues affecting economic life after lockdowns. The empty shelves you see at the local store are only the final stage revelation of problems pervasive in all production structures. The problems are not being fixed. They are all getting worse, even after all the promises that the shortages, dislocations, and inflation were merely temporary. 

The Candy Shortage Is But a Sign of Much Worse Read More

An Interview with Gigi Foster, Warrior Against Lockdowns


Gigi Foster, economic professor at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, is co-author of The Great Covid Panic (Brownstone Institute, 2021) and a fierce opponent of lockdowns and mandates that have caused so much damage to Australia’s economy and long-standing tradition of human rights. Jeffrey Tucker of Brownstone interview her in this detailed interview, as her book is growing in influence in Australia and around the world. 

An Interview with Gigi Foster, Warrior Against Lockdowns Read More

Governments Broke the Supply Chains


While politicians couldn’t ever create or legislate billions working together around the world, they could and can surely break voluntary economic arrangements. When you have guns, handcuffs, the power to quite literally shut off power sources to the productive, not to mention the wealth produced by the productive, you have the power to impose command-and-control.

Governments Broke the Supply Chains Read More

The Origins and Development of Upside-down America


We have called this Progressive Fascism because at bottom it turns the very idea of America upside-down by subordinating the citizen to the state and by attaining the collective good through the centralized exercise of political power rather than the liberty-based endeavors of a free people.

The Origins and Development of Upside-down America Read More


The Truth About Tyranny


Any regime that wants to stay in power needs to know this secret to hegemony: the desire to cleanse society of the enemy is what compels compliance. Every tyranny in history has depended on recruits to its own ranks from within the culture. They believe the lie knowing full well that it is a lie. The lie allows them to participate in the purge. They become the willing executioners. It’s been true throughout history, regardless of the particular and shifting desiderata of the despotism of the moment. 

The Truth About Tyranny Read More

How Close Is Total Social and Economic Collapse?


How does all this end? It doesn’t end. History rolls forward in the current direction of decline so long as no one is there to stand athwart it and yell stop and reverse course. How bad must it get before human rationality and reason take over from political egos and careerist duplicity? We are going to find out in the next 12 months. It’s going to be a very long winter, as two weeks to flatten the curve gradually and painfully turns into three years of remarkable and wholly preventable wreckage. 

How Close Is Total Social and Economic Collapse? Read More

The Madness of Crowds: Podcast with Gigi Foster


Gigi Foster, professor of economics at the University of New South Wales, is author of The Great Covid Panic (Brownstone, 2012). She has been granting interviews all over Australia and New Zealand, in addition to other countries around the world. You can hear her views in this fascinating podcast.

The Madness of Crowds: Podcast with Gigi Foster Read More

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