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college administrators

College Administrators Need to Admit Wrongdoing and Beg Forgiveness


Traditionally, college commencement addresses are corny or grandiose exhortations for grads to devote their lives to serving others. But this year, commencement speakers should show self-awareness and focus on how badly they and their peers have failed their students and an entire generation of young people during the past 38 months. They need to apologize profusely, specifically and at length. 

College Administrators Need to Admit Wrongdoing and Beg Forgiveness Read More

Randi Weingarten

The Truth about Randi Weingarten and the School Closures


In reality, Weingarten did everything in her power to keep schools shuttered; she just pretended that she wanted them open. She had a direct line to Rochelle Walensky, the Director of the CDC, and interjected impossible-to-meet guidelines about what was necessary to re-open schools “safely.” Emails obtained through the Freedom of Information Act in May 2021 revealed that the AFT lobbied the CDC and suggested language for the agency’s federal reopening guidance.

The Truth about Randi Weingarten and the School Closures Read More

competing interests

A Failure to Disclose Competing Interests


This is a story of an author who promoted COVID-19 vaccine uptake among adolescents while failing to disclose significant competing interests (e.g., his holding of an unrestricted research grant from Pfizer). This is also a story of a failure of the author’s publisher Nature Reviews Cardiology to enforce Nature Portfolio’s declaration-of-competing-interests policy.

A Failure to Disclose Competing Interests Read More

parent child state

Who Is Better at Raising Your Child, You or the State?


Just as the state cannot trust the weighty job of parenting to parents, it cannot trust the job of childcare to childcare providers. They will therefore have to be subjected to strict protocols, as befits a good bureaucracy. And those protocols will be designed by experts who have scientifically determined which conditioning techniques lead to the best adapted little New Citizen.

Who Is Better at Raising Your Child, You or the State? Read More

University of Chicago

University of Chicago Students Speak Out


For the past three years, students at the University of Chicago have been exposing the facade without intimidation or fear, and they just keep raising the bar. One week from today, students will be hosting academic and industry leaders to discuss “Academia’s COVID Failures”, and you cannot miss the livestream of this event.

University of Chicago Students Speak Out Read More

social science and humanities

A Crumbling Regime: Lessons for the Social Sciences and Humanities


COVID-19 landed in an impoverished information ecology – especially in academic institutions – where increasingly all forms of information and arguments are vetted through ideological lines. In other words, arguments are measured against an always moving line of demarcation based on their suspected rootedness in simplistic political camps. 

A Crumbling Regime: Lessons for the Social Sciences and Humanities Read More


Once More to the Lectern


So, yes, I have removed myself from the New-Agey circle of desks in the middle of the classroom and gone back to the lectern—and it feels good. It’s where I belong. believe, in the long run, my students will benefit, too, as over time I wean them from the spoon-feeding we have all been doing during the pandemic.

Once More to the Lectern Read More


The Tantric and the Terrible Tempest


The tranquil tropical town which has restarted whipping kids is Puducherry (India): “H3N2 outbreak: This UT shuts schools from 16-24 March.” In a normal world, people should not ask for evidence to not whip kids to ostensibly prevent future tempests. Regardless, there is a mountain of scientific evidence that whipping kids has no effect on tempests.

The Tantric and the Terrible Tempest Read More

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