
Education articles feature analysis of education policy, universities, trends, and current events.

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My Letter to Wellesley’s Academic Council and Administration


No one should have to violate her conscience or her body because she is being coerced into doing so by an institution far bigger and far more powerful than she is, an institution that holds its boot over her head while it claims to fight for her rights as a woman to make her own decisions.

My Letter to Wellesley’s Academic Council and Administration Read More

Jeffrey Tucker Speaks at Hillsdale College


On October 20, 2022, Jeffrey Tucker spoke at Hillsdale College on the topic of the economic destruction of lockdowns and vaccine mandates. An adapted version of the speech is the October issue of Imprimus, the college publication that goes out to 6 million subscribers. The talk was all recorded by the college.

Jeffrey Tucker Speaks at Hillsdale College Read More

A Wellesley Student Speaks Out


If Wellesley—or if any one of the other institutions with remaining vaccine mandates—thinks it faces no consequences, it is sorely mistaken: as students, as well as faculty and staff, trace their own adverse medical events back to college mandates, the buck for the physical damage will stop with colleges, morally, legally, and financially.

A Wellesley Student Speaks Out Read More


How College Mandates Shattered My Dreams


When I was canceled from UConn, I was in the middle of writing a neurosurgery research journal article and my participation was abruptly stopped. I was planning to study abroad in my junior year, which would have been this year. I looked forward to entering dental school and eventually opening a dental practice. I made a choice for my body – and my college life was interrupted indefinitely. 

How College Mandates Shattered My Dreams Read More


You’re Aggressive, but I’m Not


As every great religious tradition reminds us, the proclivity to do ill to others is vividly present in everyone during the entire course of our lives on earth, and that the first and most effective step towards ensuring that this inner monster does not take control of our destinies is acknowledging its enduring presence within us. It is then, and only then, that we can shape effective and enduring strategies to keep it at bay. 

You’re Aggressive, but I’m Not Read More

college mandates

An Update on College Mandates


Colleges have known since mid-2021 that COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent infection or reduce the community spread. In addition, college students are not at high risk for severe illness or hospitalization from COVID-19, yet they are forced to risk potential adverse events when they are stripped of the fundamental right to informed consent and a risk/benefit analysis in consultation with health care providers.

An Update on College Mandates Read More

Coercion on Campus Stops When Students Say No


What can you do as an individual against a multi-million dollar institution full of important people with doctorates? What if you get cancelled? What if you lose everything you have worked for? These are important considerations. But remember this, 21st-century universities are commercial enterprises and you are their customers. They don’t exist without you.

Coercion on Campus Stops When Students Say No Read More

The Universities Failed Us During the Pandemic


Both universities and governments imposed extreme policies, extending to the micro-management of everyday life during lockdowns and gross violations of human rights, including the right to bodily autonomy. These extreme policies were not supported by hard evidence of effectiveness either at the time or since.

The Universities Failed Us During the Pandemic Read More

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