What Team Trump Must Do Now
The goal of President Trump’s enemies is to whip half the country up into a state of such fear and rage that they can no longer reason. So President Trump and his team need to pre-empt this messaging.
The goal of President Trump’s enemies is to whip half the country up into a state of such fear and rage that they can no longer reason. So President Trump and his team need to pre-empt this messaging.
Avlon and his fellow “essential workers” decided that you should be ashamed, that you owed penance. But, as we learned Tuesday, elections are referenda, not secular confessionals, and Americans had the self-respect to tell their elites no.
In 2024, Trump won all seven battleground states by an average of just over 2%, and his overall popular vote percentage will be approximately 10% lower than Nixon. Nixon’s margin of victory was an order of magnitude greater than Trump’s.
Nixon Versus McGovern 2.0? Not so Fast! Read Journal Article
We call on the US government to end the unjust prosecution of Roger Ver, a pioneer in cryptocurrency and advocate for economic freedom. This is about protecting innovation, defending liberty, and ensuring that following legal advice doesn’t become a crime.
Why Roger Ver Deserves a Presidential Pardon Read Journal Article
In four years of research, and encountering truly shocking documents and evidence of what happened in the Covid years, this one certainly ranks up at the top of the list of totalitarian schemes for pathogenic control prior to vaccination.
The CDC Planned Quarantine Camps Nationwide Read Journal Article
If we extrapolate Forrest Gump’s adage that stupid is as stupid does, from stupidity to fascist is as fascist does, we can see parallels to fascism in actions that were taken by the governor of the State of Washington.
If it is no longer safe to mention the word “dictator” regarding presidential candidates, the First Amendment will be worth less than the most noxious campaign promise. But at least Facebook will always have plenty of cute kitty photos.
In total, all these mutually connected subsets of elements and living entities comprise the planetary ecosystem, which is an overarching, complex system. What does this have to do with Donald Trump as candidate in the imminent US presidential election?
No political actor has been more influential in overturning election integrity efforts than Marc Elias. He led the crusade to overturn the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s 2022 ruling in Teigen v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, which banned “drop boxes” in the state.
Censorship and the Criminalization of Election Integrity Read Journal Article
At least 200,000 subscribers of the nation’s second-most-important newspaper threw a temper tantrum because the paper’s Establishment stenographers would not endorse Harris. If this doesn’t provide a “tell” about the political views of large swaths of the country, nothing will.
Washington Post Subscribers Throw Temper Tantrum Read Journal Article
The Fors Marsh campaign deployed fear-based messaging to influence public behavior to comply with CDC and other USG recommendations. The intentional promotion of fear of death from an infectious disease disproportionate to actual risk of death is psychological bioterrorism.
Did Government-Sponsored Disinformation Worsen Covid-19? Read Journal Article
The goal of this modeling project was to predict the outcome of the 2024 election using public health, demographic, and historical data. The approach relies on predictors that are a proxy for support for the Democratic party within a population.
Election 2024: Analysis and Predictions Read Journal Article