
Law articles feature analysis and commentary related to censorship, policy, technology, media, economics, public health, and social life.

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The Mask Mandate Is Illegal: Quotes from the District Court Judgment


Countless millions have been threatened, victimized, hectored, barked at, thrown off buses, trains, and planes – with even young children forcibly muzzled – when in fact, it has been the federal government itself that has been violating the law.

The Mask Mandate Is Illegal: Quotes from the District Court Judgment Read Journal Article

What Covid Crimes Will Victims Not Forgive?


The struggle against this darkness will surely take many years. Who and what will keep that struggle alive? What hurt will fuel the fight, keeping the fires of resentment burning, and what hurt – real as it may have been – will fade over time and hence be only a weak ally of the soldiers of the resistance?

What Covid Crimes Will Victims Not Forgive? Read Journal Article

What Happened on the Junket To China in February 2020?


There are so many questions and far too few answers. This one junket is just the beginning but it is a massively important one. We know now that the idea that China managed the virus well is a complete myth (it did not “demonstrate that the infection can be controlled”). The countries that locked down less or not at all had better outcomes in every area: health, economics, culture, and education. 

What Happened on the Junket To China in February 2020? Read Journal Article

Up From Pandemic Exclusion


Covid restrictions amplified the issues by isolating me from the rest of the world, which caused me to forget some of the self-advocacy and socialization skills that I worked to develop throughout my life. Forgetting harms a differently abled individual’s ability to participate fully in community life. Many people do not know about or consider these problems. 

Up From Pandemic Exclusion Read Journal Article

What’s Going On In China: Interview with Michael Senger


Michael Senger, attorney and author of Snake Oil, has led the way in drawing attention to the role of the Chinese Communist Party in 2020 influencing nearly every country in the world to lock down economies in order to control a virus. Here he reacts to the new lockdowns in China and the possible motivations behind the remarkable attack on the rights and liberties of the people of Shanghai, and possible divisions within the CCP.

What’s Going On In China: Interview with Michael Senger Read Journal Article


People of Shanghai Forced Into Hard Lockdown


The Wuhan lockdown lasted only a handful of weeks, but its declared “success” in defeating COVID convinced the vast majority of the world to attempt to replicate the severe restrictions. For two years, China has claimed to have stamped out the coronavirus with a lockdown + “COVID Zero” policy, but attempts to replicate the measures have resulted in unprecedented disaster for humanity, as lockdowns catastrophically failed to stop the spread.

People of Shanghai Forced Into Hard Lockdown Read Journal Article

The Expendables: The Biopolitics of Human Sacrifice


If you are one of those who supported the separation of the unvaccinated from society, it is worth considering how your own life was diminished during the pandemic. The range of the homo sacer, those deemed expendable, has been broadened over time from traditional groups such as the homeless, up through the working classes in recent decades, and now large swathes of middle classes during Covid.

The Expendables: The Biopolitics of Human Sacrifice Read Journal Article

Nuremberg, 1947


How and why was the bulwark of 20th-century medical ethics abandoned so quickly, and with so little opposition from the medical and scientific establishment? What were the immediate effects? What will be the long-term, consequences of the shift back to a crass utilitarian ethic governing science, medicine, and public health during a pandemic?

Nuremberg, 1947 Read Journal Article

Faroe Islands: The Tiny Country that Rejected Lockdowns


The Faroese authorities never fell prey to the irrational fear and scare tactics that unfortunately prevailed for the most part in the rest of the world. Instead, they showed the self-confidence, the respect for fact-based decision-making and consideration of the broader picture needed when confronted with an acute situation.

Faroe Islands: The Tiny Country that Rejected Lockdowns Read Journal Article