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Illusions in Vaccine Effectiveness

Illusions in Vaccine Effectiveness


The pseudo-effectiveness of Covid vaccines against death from unrelated causes is not a new observation. The same kind of pseudo-effectiveness was discovered long ago for the flu vaccines. It is called the “healthy vaccinee effect.” For various reasons, unrelated to the vaccines, people who are vaccinated have better background health (on average) than people who are not, and therefore, they are less likely to die from “anything,” including flu and Covid. Vaccinated or not, they would have had lower Covid mortality than their unvaccinated counterparts.

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Children's Health: By the Numbers

Children’s Health: By the Numbers


The strategy of forever adding chemical interventions is not without risks. It is not always known if a child is immunocompromised with the risk for a wrong intervention at the wrong time that could develop into a severe disease or become fatal. Nuances, dialogue, and shared decision-making may be a way to restore trust.

Children’s Health: By the Numbers Read More

A Retired Physician's View of American Healthcare

A Retired Physician’s View of American Healthcare


In my opinion, the healthcare system in this country is currently on life support. The level of trust is lower than it’s been in at least 50 years and deservedly so. While many probably believe that the negative impact on the healthcare system’s reputation is based on the nation’s Covid response, I will endeavor to provide, from the perspective of a retired physician and patient, a roadmap that brings all of the elements of the healthcare system together to explain how the disastrous Covid response merely highlighted the rot, rather than being its cause.

A Retired Physician’s View of American Healthcare Read More

Patents, Pharma, Government: The Unholy Alliance

Patents, Pharma, Government: The Unholy Alliance 


The unholy alliance between Big Pharma and the FDA and Federal Government is truly breathtaking to behold. Unfortunately, its nature is so arcane and obscure that only a few notice this, other than those who benefit from it and keep their lips shut. To unpack this we must explore a few separate but interrelated issues.

Patents, Pharma, Government: The Unholy Alliance  Read More


Mechanisms of Harm: Introduction


This report is not a medical study or conclusive document. It presents various ideas and concerns shared by so-called “Covid dissidents” who, from the beginning, were concerned that our pandemic response was causing more harm than Covid-19 itself. No doubt there are other relevant points, and points of view, that are missing from this collection, but it’s a start. My hope is that this book will lead to thoughtful consideration, fruitful conversations, and the pursuit of additional knowledge.

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Perverse Incentives

Perverse Incentives


A perverse incentive is when the rules, structures, or practices of any system reward bad behavior or sociopathic outcomes. I had to come up with my own definition because all of the official definitions claim that perverse incentives are unintended. However, after the events of the last four years many of us have grown skeptical that the harms we experience from bad policy and bad law are unintentional.

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The Era of Informed Consent is Over - Brownstone Institute

The Era of Informed Consent is Over


This ruling, to be actioned by potentially corrupt scientists, health bureaucrats, and captured health and drug regulators, is another step toward a dystopian future unimaginable just five years ago. No doubt the infrastructure to implement this decree is already being constructed by the same groupthink cultists responsible for the nightmarish pandemic lockdowns, continuing to place the pursuit of profit and the greater good above individual choice, bodily autonomy, and informed consent.

The Era of Informed Consent is Over Read More

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