Do We All Have PTSD?
We have lost our footing in knowing something that scientists long believed we could know: whether and to what extent an economy is growing and prospering or going the opposite way.
We have lost our footing in knowing something that scientists long believed we could know: whether and to what extent an economy is growing and prospering or going the opposite way.
Kennedy’s commission will report to Trump on the “potential over-utilization of medication” and other unrecognized health perils. Hopefully, the commission will deliver a report that will help people recognize how psychiatrists have concocted labels that have Americans at their mercy.
Can Kennedy Save Kids from Psychiatric Ravage? Read Journal Article
The truth is the recognition that consciousness can transcend its constructed boundaries entirely. The way out requires stepping beyond their endless distractions and reclaiming grounded, authentic action. Their biodigital convergence can only capture souls that follow their prescribed paths.
The Second Matrix: Break the Controlled Awakening Read Journal Article
We have to be prepared for this future manifesting in various planning stages. This is why terms such as “information disorder” and “information disorder syndrome” are being propagated throughout new media and must be rejected at all levels.
Our liberation begins with recognition: these systems of control are not inevitable. By embracing creativity, fostering authentic connection, and restoring our sovereignty, we don’t just resist the control matrix—we reclaim our fundamental right to author our own destiny.
Collateral Global is a group of scientists who have been assessing the costs of Covid. Yet Collateral Global can’t calculate the emotional cost of broken families and bankruptcies from all sorts of addictions run riot by enforced inactivity.
The Rise of Gambling Addiction: Another Cost of Covid Read Journal Article
I hope you will join me in celebrating the nobility of physical labor. To pass through this time of testing and their abusive psychological manipulation methods, my humble recommendation is to recommit to faith in something greater than yourself.
Bram Stoker’s classic Dracula (1892) was written as a Victorian-style moralizing tale of sin and its consequences. The novel would become a bestseller largely due to its lascivious imagery and terrifying plotline that fed into every anxiety over morality, science, and public health, much less kick off a century and a quarter of vampire films.
Nosferatu in the Wake of the Covid Experience Read Journal Article
What record labels achieved manually in hip-hop—identifying, redirecting, and commodifying authentic expression—would become the template for digital control. Just as executives learned to transform street culture into profitable products, algorithms would soon automate this process at global scale.
The mechanisms of cultural control we see today were built over more than a century. To understand how we arrived at this point, we must trace the historical foundations of these systems and the architecture of control that shaped them.
Preference falsification is different from self-censorship because people outright lie about what they really think. When the lie persists long enough, people begin to believe it, proclaiming fealty to one idea while holding another one in their heart of hearts.
There’s a peculiar comfort in believing that things simply happen by accident. That the powerful don’t conspire, that institutions don’t coordinate. I’ve come to call these people “accidentalists” – those who find refuge in randomness, who dismiss patterns as paranoia.
An Accidentalist’s Guide to Denying the Obvious Read Journal Article