Public Health

Analysis of public health, social and public policy including impacts on  economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of public health are translated into multiple languages.

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measles mongering - Brownstone Institute

Mainstream Measles Mongers


The current state of Modern Measles Mongering is a leitmotif of post-pandemic public health, where the state and mainstream media measles-mongering is actively telling the population to fear a disease that has an extremely remote chance of you getting it and an even more remote chance of you dying from it. It predictably recommends everyone do whatever they can to protect their family (ie: get more measles shots) which may or may not protect you. And if you get the shot, please know that any safety research on the measles vaccine is mostly inadequate. 

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The Silent Shame of Health Institutions

The Silent Shame of Health Institutions


There is no scientific agency outside the Ministry of Health that has flexibility and the capacity to undertake autonomous, long-term monitoring and research in nutrition, diet and health. There is no independent, autonomous, public health research facility with sufficient long-term funding to translate dietary and nutritional evidence into policy, particularly if it contradicted current policy positions. 

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February 27, 2020: The Lockdown Plan Goes Public - Brownstone Institute

February 27, 2020: The Lockdown Plan Goes Public


As the “novel coronavirus” spread throughout the world in the early months of 2020, two diametrically opposed responses to such a virus were in play: The public health response, which was initially followed everywhere except China, involved telling the public not to panic, wash hands, and stay home when sick. This was standard protocol for a novel flu-like virus. Behind the scenes, the biodefense-industrial-complex was gearing up for a bioterrorism response: quarantine-until-vaccine.

February 27, 2020: The Lockdown Plan Goes Public Read Journal Article

Health: Factors, Paradoxes, and Dark Matter - Brownstone Institute

Health: Factors, Paradoxes, and Dark Matter


Sixty years ago, the first of a remarkable series of articles appeared in the medical literature describing the curious lack of cardiovascular deaths in Roseto, Pennsylvania in comparison to surrounding towns. Roseto, Pennsylvania had been settled predominantly by immigrants from Roseto Valfortore, a small town in the region of Apulia in southeastern Italy and remained a very tightly knit community. To explain this anomaly, investigations into numerous assumed health factors such as genetics, diet, and smoking were made, but all turned up negative.

Health: Factors, Paradoxes, and Dark Matter Read Journal Article

The History of Public Health Colonialism - Brownstone Institute

The History of Public Health Colonialism


With the world turning full circle, post-World War Two concepts of human rights, equality, and local agency are exiting the international stage. The veiled colonialism currently dressed up as vaccine equity looks like a bunch of colonial bureaucrats forcing their sponsors’ wares on those with less power, whilst building policies to ensure this imbalance remains. Malnutrition, infectious disease, child marriage, and generational poverty are side issues to the East India Pharma and Software Company’s bottom lines. This will stop when those being colonized once again unite and refuse to comply. In the meantime, the enablers could open their eyes and understand who they are working for. 

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WHO’s Guilty of Fake News, Now? - Brownstone Institute

WHO’s Guilty of Fake News, Now?


With media shying away from publishing views critical of the WHO and its pharma sponsors, our politicians remain naively blind to the web of ulterior, vested motivations driving the restructuring of global public health. But with one set of actors coming to the table with clean hands — no undisclosed financial incentives nor purse strings pulled by profit-driven corporations — and the other with hands stained by pharmaceutical profits and dancing to the tune of undisclosed funders, who would the public trust were they only to be fed the facts?

WHO’s Guilty of Fake News, Now? Read Journal Article

In Health Care, We Are Flying Blind

In Health Care, We Are Flying Blind 


Health insurance needs a new pricing structure that is not based on a one-size-fits-all model that it is now. Health and therefore healthcare expense is highly tuned to individual choice. We need more information about the best choices, and that information can only come to us once the specialists who know the data are allowed to impact pricing structures in ways they currently cannot. 

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The AMA is Wrong About Julie Sladden - Brownstone Institute

The AMA is Wrong About Julie Sladden


Dr Barratt is correct; doctors do have a higher standing in the community. Dr Julie Sladden is ethical and moral, and, after reviewing the best available evidence and using her clinical experience, she spoke up at great personal cost, to protect the public when authorities ignored her calls for a review. The Tasmanian people can decide who they wish to lead them; they do not need the AMA bullying doctors, silencing scientific debate and interfering in democracy.

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Life After Lockdown - by Jeffrey A. Tucker - Brownstone Institute

Life After Lockdown: Introduction


This book, which is a collection of some articles I wrote for Brownstone Institute, is designed to help us talk about this issue. Lockdowns were the turning point in our lives, our societies, our culture, and affected everything from academia to education, to science, to media, to tech, and all the way down to demographics and our relationship to our professional and personal lives. It touched everything, turning what worked into something fundamentally broken and dysfunctional. 

Life After Lockdown: Introduction Read Journal Article

Rachel Levine Plays the Race Card on Climate Change - Brownstone Institute

Rachel Levine Plays the Race Card on Climate Change


Even if the tactic has become one of self-parody, one only needs to look to Levine to see that we are living in parodic times where quite a few people are willing to embrace the latest slogans and accept all sorts of absurdities as reasonable, even to the detriment of society, if it protects them from being labeled a bigot.

Rachel Levine Plays the Race Card on Climate Change Read Journal Article

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