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Dr. Julie Ponesse

Do Not Give Up Your Rights ~ Dr. Julie Ponesse’s Speech


The dismissive, well-rehearsed messaging of our public health officials has created a highly efficient machine that does not publish its evidence or engage in debate, but only issues orders that we obligingly follow. With the help of the media, its mistakes are hidden, its policies unquestioned, its dissenters silenced.

Do Not Give Up Your Rights ~ Dr. Julie Ponesse’s Speech Read More

The Damage of Masking Children Could be Irreparable


Given the development of abilities to discriminate faces and nuances in faces and emotions that show in faces, based on specific face-discrimination neurology in a specific area of the brain, what year-long (and growing) period of time do you want to take the risk of impairing by surrounding children with masked faces while limiting social interaction? 

The Damage of Masking Children Could be Irreparable Read More

The Greatest Transfer of Wealth From the Middle Class to the Elites in History


The one-two punch of government fiscal and Fed monetary policy continued to destroy the fabric of the economy for the average American. It dislocated the labor markets and the supply chain and it has ultimately led to inflation, which is making the basic cost of living much more expensive for Americans all across the country.

The Greatest Transfer of Wealth From the Middle Class to the Elites in History Read More

The True Meaning of Masking


If we are people in a society with an authoritarian structure, where our ability to participate and do the things we wish to do every day are conditional on the approval of government, then our way of relating with power structures is no longer one of “We are all in partnership together” but one of “behavioural correction.” In such a system the mask becomes a tool for enacting that behavioural correction.

The True Meaning of Masking Read More

This Is Not a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated


Some politicians speak about the “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” But fully vaccinated individuals can harbour high viral loads, spread SARS-CoV-2 and cause severe and fatal Covid-19, also among other fully vaccinated individuals. Social cohesion should not be jeopardized because of an erroneous and narrow view of the epidemiological situation.

This Is Not a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated Read More

The Treason of the Healers


During the middle years of the 20th century, the social privilege, deference and power previously granted to clerics, and then to writers, was bequeathed to the science-based healers. While they have done much to improve our lives with the money and authority we have given them, they have—even though they seem largely unaware of it—now fallen into a grave state of moral decadence.

The Treason of the Healers Read More

The Frightened Class


For most of recorded time prosperity and education have been the gateway to a life of relative freedom from worry. But now, the people who most enjoy these benefits are, it seems, wracked with anxiety and, in the not infrequent way of many people suffering that plague, and hellbent on sharing their misery with others.

The Frightened Class Read More


The Truth About Tyranny


Any regime that wants to stay in power needs to know this secret to hegemony: the desire to cleanse society of the enemy is what compels compliance. Every tyranny in history has depended on recruits to its own ranks from within the culture. They believe the lie knowing full well that it is a lie. The lie allows them to participate in the purge. They become the willing executioners. It’s been true throughout history, regardless of the particular and shifting desiderata of the despotism of the moment. 

The Truth About Tyranny Read More

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