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New Zealand international travel vaccination certificate

New Zealand’s International Travel Vaccination Certificate: A Ponzi Scheme?


The ludicrous stupidity of vaccine passports for a rapidly mutating respiratory virus is patently clear for anyone with either awareness of the history of public health and epidemiology, or who is a primary care physician and understands the limits of vaccines – particularly for patients with complex chronic health conditions. Everyone is different. Everyone responds differently to both viruses and medication.

New Zealand’s International Travel Vaccination Certificate: A Ponzi Scheme? Read More


Facebook Works to Deliver Us From Truth


Facebook’s aim is not to make their users safe. Their aim is to make them feel they are safe, to prevent them from discovering challenging information, prevent them from thinking. They are the apostles of a new god, and his followers do not ask him to deliver them from evil, they ask him to deliver them from truth.

Facebook Works to Deliver Us From Truth Read More

Bravo, Elon!


Twitter’s phony “content moderation” operation was not unique, but symptomatic of a much broader perversion of corporate management throughout Silicon Valley and much of corporate America, too. In a word, the stock market was so fantastically over-valued owing to the Fed’s egregious money-printing that executives were given leave to pursue their political and ideological hobby horses on a whim, rather than keep their noses on the grindstone of profit and loss.

Bravo, Elon! Read More

European Union censorship

How the EU is Forcing Twitter to Censor (and Musk Can’t Stop It)


Does anyone really imagine that the Biden administration has anything remotely like this sort of capacity to direct the actions of online platforms? Make no mistake about it. Twitter censorship is government censorship. But the government in question is not the US government, but rather the European Union, and the EU is, in effect, imposing its censorship on the entire world.

How the EU is Forcing Twitter to Censor (and Musk Can’t Stop It) Read More

FDA is using Covid Vaccines as a “Platform Technology” 


In the future, the FDA’s CBER will have to come to terms with the fact that the pre-clinical trials were completely inadequate, and yet they now have 50+ mRNA vaccine trials currently enrolling and over 150 more on the way based on that highly flawed pre-clinical data package. A quick search at yields documents the problem that they have created. 

FDA is using Covid Vaccines as a “Platform Technology”  Read More

libertarianism rothbard and big tech

How Could We Have Been So Naive about Big Tech?


During lockdowns and medical mandates, the power of the state and its corporate allies truly reached its apotheosis, and failed us miserably. Our times cry out for justice, for clarity, and for making a difference to save ourselves and our civilization. We should approach this great project with our eyes wide open and with ears to hear different points of view on how we get from here to there. 

How Could We Have Been So Naive about Big Tech? Read More

Digital ID in Canada. Is the US Next?


With Canadian authorities creating the infrastructure required to implement a digital identification network, some are concerned that a social credit system similar to the one in China is just around the corner. Their concerns are warranted. Digital IDs lay the path for social credit systems. Without them, a credit system would be impossible.

Digital ID in Canada. Is the US Next? Read More

Data Theft and Government Power


In the United States, according to Bennett Cyphers, a technologist who focuses on consumer privacy and state legislation, data brokers have formed an unholy alliance with the country’s military, intelligence communities, and law enforcement agencies. This immense, highly secretive partnership was established for one reason and one reason only—to surveil the actions and activities of U.S. citizens.

Data Theft and Government Power Read More

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