
Analysis of Big Pharma, vaccines, and policy including impacts on public health, economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of vaccines are translated into multiple languages.

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White House Disinformation about Kids and Covid


Jha has repeatedly spread misinformation about masks while overtly promoting vaccine passports and verification, and last summer claimed that “unvaccinated, unmasked folks” are the drivers of transmission, while ignoring that cases surged in highly masked and vaccinated areas like San Francisco:

White House Disinformation about Kids and Covid Read Journal Article

After Summer, Europe to Target the Unvaccinated


The European Commission’s April 27th documents thus clearly invoke a new rollout of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign in the fall, specifically targeting the hitherto unvaccinated and also children. Moreover, if the Commission gets its way – as it can be expected to – and the EU Digital Covid Certificate is indeed extended, they also raise the specter of this new rollout being combined with exactly the same coercive, discriminatory measures that turned Europe’s unvaccinated into social pariahs for much of the last year.  

After Summer, Europe to Target the Unvaccinated Read Journal Article

The CDC’s $2.4M Campus Marketing Program


Why did the CDC believe it was worthwhile to spend $2.4 million trying to convince college students to get vaccinated for a disease that poses little serious threat to most young, healthy individuals? Furthermore, why did the CDC and ACHA feel it was appropriate to peddle a potentially risky drug to young people as if it were a lifestyle brand? 

The CDC’s $2.4M Campus Marketing Program Read Journal Article

The Triumph of Natural Immunity


The CDC, the FDA, schools, and universities are pushing covid vaccines without having shown any benefit to the majority of children who have already had covid. It is stunning how these institutions have abandoned 2,500 years of knowledge about natural immunity. For the minority of children without a prior covid infection, the RCTs only show a short-term reduction in mild disease.

The Triumph of Natural Immunity Read Journal Article

Is Pfizer’s FDA-approved COMIRNATY Vaccine Available in the US?


Despite persistent investigation, it is still not clear why FDA-approved COMIRNATY-labelled vials are not being distributed and administered to Americans.  The organizations charged with manufacturing, approving, co-ordinating, and tracking the vaccines seem to be operating in silos.

Is Pfizer’s FDA-approved COMIRNATY Vaccine Available in the US? Read Journal Article

Another Look at Covid Vaccine Studies


All the observational studies which have been carried out with the Covid-19 vaccines suffer, apart from some of the well-known general biases, from exactly the same fundamental flaw:  They show a decrease in “Covid-19-related” symptom-free or symptomatic cases, hospitalizations or deaths, but they do not ask the question whether this decline in test-positive patients translates into an overall reduction of flu cases, of (atypical) pneumonias, of hospitalizations and deaths. 

Another Look at Covid Vaccine Studies Read Journal Article

Fear and Loathing of the Unvaccinated Gets Another Boost


The much publicized CMAJ simulation study is based on assumptions which are known to be flawed. The conclusions may be true in an alternate world where immunity from natural exposure is poor, and Covid-19 vaccine have high efficacy which does not wane; but they certainly do not hold in the real world.

Fear and Loathing of the Unvaccinated Gets Another Boost Read Journal Article

New Zealand Used Selective Science and Force to Drive High Vaccination Rates 


It’s probable that the mountain of legislation produced over the last two years never fulfilled democratic norms of accountability and transparency. For science in a pandemic to be harnessed to serve the public interest, the institutions that set those terms of reference must be guided by principles that protect health. 

New Zealand Used Selective Science and Force to Drive High Vaccination Rates  Read Journal Article