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In Holland and Germany, Pandemic Response Was Biodefense, Not Public Health

In Holland and Germany, Pandemic Response Was Biodefense, Not Public Health


In previous articles, I analyzed government documents showing that the Covid pandemic response in the US was not designed or led by the public health agencies

Rather, it was a biodefense lockdown-until-vaccine responseled by the National Security Council and FEMA/Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

I showed that the same pattern was repeated in the UK.

And I posited that this was a globally planned and executed response – overseen by what I call the Biodefense Global Public-Private Partnership (GPPP). The lockstep in which nearly all Western countries responded to the “novel coronavirus” in early 2020 suggested that national governments were not in charge. Rather, a global plan was being executed on behalf of a larger and more powerful entity, or entities.

This table describes the conglomerate I believe was in charge – the Biodefense GPPP – including its numerous, world-encompassing components (discussed at length in a previous article). The table shows how the biodefense complex scales up from national to international components. This is true not just in the US, but also in the many countries that responded to Covid in a nearly identical fashion.

The Covid Coup in Holland

As mentioned in the description of the Biodefense GPPP above, it was most likely through military and intelligence alliances, including NATO and the Five Eyes, that the Covid pandemic response was coordinated.

This has recently been confirmed by the Dutch Minister of Health, as reported by the Centre for Research on Globalization ( on November 8, 2024:

Dutch Health Minister Fleur Agema has acknowledged in parliament that the Dutch pandemic policy is taking place “under the direction of National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) and Defense” and must comply with “NATO obligations.”

Dutch researcher Cees van den Bos, who contributed directly to this Substack article, notes that “during the Covid pandemic, Fleur Agema was an opposition leader who was critical of the Covid response in the Netherlands, which makes her statements all the more explosive.” He explains that “she was opposed to vaccine mandates and lockdowns, with a loud voice in the Dutch parliament. But since she became the Minister of Health back in July 2024, she clearly changed her mind, saying that she follows orders from the NCTV based on NATO obligations.”

As noted by GlobalResearch, van den Bos was already reporting on this situation at the end of 2022, when he “accused the NCTV of having committed a ‘coup d’etat.’” The article continues:

The crisis management was almost everywhere in the hands of the military and intelligence services, and in our country [Holland] it rested with the NCTV.

Van den Bos reports that “the NCTV, which is the Dutch version of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), took the lead in every democratic process.” 

He elaborates:

They centralized power structures by taking away the mandate from local mayors and shifted them to 25 regional key points of contact. The NCTV also founded a military unit of special forces that specialized in the Behavioral Dynamics Methodology (BDM), which is an evolution of Cambridge Analytica.

The Army unit was called Land Information Manouvre Centre (LIMC) and was tasked with surveillance of citizens on the internet. When word got out to the public about the existence of the LIMC, the Dutch Minister of Defense terminated the unit instantly, because the activities were against the law. The same thing happened in Canada with their Precision Information Team (PIT).[ref]

According to van den Bos, “the NCTV also founded a Parliamentary Team for harmonizing the parliamentary process. They controlled the debate in the Dutch parliament and made sure political parties ‘would not surprise each other’ with difficult questions.”

In addition, he reports that, although the Dutch government chose not to activate martial law, the NCTV “introduced a Temporary Covid-19 Law (TWM), which gave the government martial powers without the possibility for the parliament to discuss or object to the Covid response and measures.”

The Dutch Government’s National Crisis Communication Taskforce (NKC), says van den Bos, “was also a team of the NCTV that coordinated all the public communications and the narratives surrounding the pandemic. All media campaigns, fact checks, narratives and nudging campaigns were coordinated in the NKC with the help of behavioral scientists.”

As reported in a previous article, a very similar state of affairs existed during Covid in the US, when the National Security Council took control of all Covid communications away from the public health agencies.

FOIA documents supporting all of van den Bos’ claims are available on his Substack. Most are in Dutch, but you can right click for the English translate function. This article is in English: Corona policy set by the European Commission.

In his research, van den Bos notes that the Dutch pandemic response seemed to be following traditional pandemic plans until the middle of March 2020, when the NCTV took over, and the whole thing switched to a military lockdown-until-vaccine paradigm.

This tracks exactly with the timeline followed by most (if not all) NATO and Five Eyes allies in the global Covid response:

January-February 2020: Public health agencies seem to be in charge of responding to the outbreak. It is mostly confined to China, so there is not widespread panic. The public health plan is the same as always: monitor for local clusters of serious disease requiring treatment, and be prepared to scale up hospital capacity if needed. Guidelines are to wash your hands a lot, and stay home if you’re sick.

End of February – Mid-March 2020: The media switches from criticizing China’s draconian, anti-democratic lockdowns to praising them. Massive increase in panic propaganda and in calling on the public to play an active role in “flattening the curve” by wearing masks and “social distancing.”

Mid-March – Mid-May 2020: States of Emergency intended for times of war/terrorism are declared everywhere, even where there are no cases of Covid. Without telling the public, pandemic response is officially moved from public health agencies to military/intelligence-led bodies (US Task Force, UK Biosecurity Centre, among others) operating largely in secret. (Before mid-March these bodies were already in charge behind the scenes.) Public health agencies switch from traditional public health plans to nonstop lockdown-until-vaccine propaganda.

End of 2020 – End of 2022: Populations grow weary of lockdown measures, but new waves of panic propaganda focused on “cases” and “variants” lead to repeated lockdowns and a desperate desire for vaccines, followed by cult-like embrace of mandates, refusal to examine any evidence contradicting the “safe and effective” claims, and brutal ostracism of skeptics. The public accepts the necessity for repeated, endless vaccine boosters – contrary to everything it was initially told.

End of 2022 – today: Government commissions spend many months and many millions of dollars examining their countries’ pandemic responses. Every commission in nearly every country finds that the public health agencies were woefully inadequate, that the public health response in January-February was catastrophically misguided, and that the lockdown-until-vaccine plan should have been implemented as soon as the first cases were discovered in China. Covid vaccines are now recommended along with seasonal flu vaccines. The mRNA platform is viewed as an unmitigated success, and tested against dozens of diseases and pathogens. Reports of injuries and deaths are ignored, obfuscated, and censored by every single government in the world.

The Covid Coup in Germany

Recent revelations from the “RKI (Robert Koch Institute) Leak” demonstrate that the German Covid response followed the same pattern.

Highlights of these revelations are presented on Sasha Latypova’s Substack by Dr. Stefan Hamburg. Dr. Hamburg’s testimony in the German Bundestag is here (German with subtitles). A transcript in English is here.

As Dr. Hamburg reports, the RKI Leak shows the same timeline, as detailed above, being followed in the German Covid response. The leaked documents also show that Germany followed the same patterns of propaganda and censorship (as detailed in The Catastrophic Covid Convergenceswitching from a scientifically and ethically sound public health approach, to a biodefense lockdown-until-vaccine framework.

Here’s how Dr. Hamburg describes the utterly non-scientific, shockingly foreordained risk assessment leading to lockdowns in Germany:

I quote from 16 March, 2020: “During the weekend a new risk assessment was prepared.” Before a court, RKI stated the assessment was prepared outside, so it was not based on a scientific evaluation. Further quote: “Risk is scheduled to be scaled up this week.” One day later the RKI report stated that there was a high risk, and we went into lockdown.

Here are additional excerpts from Dr. Hamburg/Sasha Latypova:

Regarding schools, the experts advised against comprehensive closures on 11 March 2020. Only five days later, policy makers closed all German schools for a long period of time:

While RKI’s speakers emphasized the existence of a medical public emergency, they knew only too well that Corona was comparable with influenza. They noted this in March 2021, during a strict lockdown, which was tightened by curfews shortly thereafter:

Here is some of Dr. Hamburg’s testimony regarding what the RKI Leak says about the German government’s Covid vaccine policy:

We read the following in April of 2020: “There is currently no experience with RNA and DNA vaccines, EMA [European Medicines Agency] and Phizer are considering whether to skip phase 3 trials.”

Two weeks later: “A number of vaccines will become available that have been tested in quick succession. Relevant data will be collected post-marketing.” Put differently: Let’s first vaccinate the entire population, and then afterwards let’s learn whether the stuff helps or harms. That was the plan, and that’s how it was implemented.

On 27 December, 2020 vaccination started in Germany. On 8 January, 2021, in the very early phase we read: “Vaccine effectiveness is not yet known. The duration of protection is also unknown.” That just repeats what we could read in the EMA approval, namely, that only protection from a positive PCR test was really confirmed. Everything else like protection from severe illnesses, death and the like was not confirmed in the admission [approval] process.

Who was actually in charge of the German Covid response?

As in the Netherlands, it was not just the “politicians.” It was leaders on a higher, global level. As Dr. Hamburg testified:

In June of 2020, not only were the number of colds low, as is typical for the season, but even the PCR numbers approached the zero line….RKI members thought that now the official risk level could be reduced again, but then we read about NATO General Holtherm, who was top boss of the RKI, two hierarchy levels above Mr. Wieler [RKI President], the figure head or mouth piece. Holtherm decided on Tuesday that the risk assessment in the next week must not be changed.

What about military/intelligence agencies? I do not have definitive documentation to prove they were in charge of the German response, but here are some suggestive data points:

In a report in Exemplars in Global Health, the very Mr. Wieler – who was RKI President – mentioned by Dr. Hamburg above, writes that:

On February 27, with a total of 26 confirmed cases, the government set up an inter-ministerial national crisis management group.

Wikipedia reports that the new crisis team was led jointly by the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) and the Federal Ministry of Health. The BMI, according to Wikipedia, “is comparable to the UK Home Office or a combination of the US Department of Homeland Security and the US Department of Justice…It maintains, among other agencies, the two biggest federal law enforcement agencies in GermanyIt is also responsible for the federal domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.” [BOLDFACE ADDED]

Interestingly, Wikipedia also notes that on the same day that the German national crisis management group was set up, 

On 27 February 2020, Lothar Wieler, President of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), announced that there would be daily press briefings on the development of the spread of COVID-19 in the country.

As detailed in a previous article, February 27, 2020, was an important date in the Covid response narrative. That’s when the messaging switched, from mostly reasonable public health directives, to military-style lockdown-until-vaccine propaganda.

Cees van den Bos notes that this was also an important date in the coordinated Covid response in the EU:

This was the date of the activation of the Integrated Political Crisis Response (IPCR) on the EU level. All member states of the EU sit in the IPCR. It was activated in ‘full mode.’ All countries were represented by their intelligence agencies (including NCTV for Holland).

[FOIA documents attesting to the IPCR activation can be found here.]

Additionally, in Holland, the first Coronavirus patient was announced on this very same date, although the announcement had been prepared weeks in advance. The story of the announcement is on van den Bos’ Substack (right click for the translate-to-English function).

Covid Vax Approvals Were “Not Desired” by the Entities Running the Pandemic until after the US Elections

Finally, the revelation from the RKI Leak that might be the most scandalous, and that Dr. Homburg rightly points out “proves that the so-called pandemic was staged and steered by very powerful forces” is this:

As Dr. Homburg summarizes: “Unknown political forces favored Biden and they ordered American as well as European authorities to obstruct emergency approval” of the Covid vaccines – products that the authorities claimed would save lives — until after the US elections.

If NATO were in charge of coordinating the Covid response, enacted and enforced through the Biodefense Global Public-Private Partnership, then we can surmise that it was more important for NATO, and the Biodefense GPPP, to prevent the re-election of President Trump than to rush what they said were life-saving measures to the world’s population.

Whatever their motives, this suggests that the “very powerful forces” that ran the global Covid response were not operating according to any principles or protocols of public health, and they did not seem to have the best interests of the world’s citizens in mind.

Republished from the author’s Substack

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  • Debbie Lerman, 2023 Brownstone Fellow, has a degree in English from Harvard. She is a retired science writer and a practicing artist in Philadelphia, PA.

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