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Government by the People: Is It Possible?


You can bet that this real transfer of power to the people will be strongly resisted by most elite individuals and institutions. They will loudly proclaim every single reason they can think of for why it is a crazy, impossible idea, and get “experts” from their networks to loudly profess the silliness of even proposing the notion. This vitriolic denigration is exactly the measure of how badly we need to loosen their grip on power and change the system they have entrenched for their own benefit.

Government by the People: Is It Possible? Read More

A World on Fire


There is a moment in the day when the work is done and perhaps a cocktail comes out or the dishes are washed and the kids are in bed and the room falls silent. At this moment, millions and billions of people the world over know it. Disaster is all around us. We are just pretending otherwise, simply because this is what we have to do. 

A World on Fire Read More

Coercion on Campus Stops When Students Say No


What can you do as an individual against a multi-million dollar institution full of important people with doctorates? What if you get cancelled? What if you lose everything you have worked for? These are important considerations. But remember this, 21st-century universities are commercial enterprises and you are their customers. They don’t exist without you.

Coercion on Campus Stops When Students Say No Read More

No Holy Communion for the Sick, They Said


When a person is dying or in danger of death, this is the moment when their religion is most dear to them. It is not within the hospital’s jurisdiction to decide when you can or can’t confess your sins, receive Holy Communion and prepare to meet your maker. This abhorrent practice of refusing entrance to clergy must stop now.

No Holy Communion for the Sick, They Said Read More

How Lockdowns Broke Human Capital


Politicians, policymakers, and experts who would never miss a paycheck or a meal suddenly decided that workers not like them were no longer essential. In making this choice for others, they robbed human beings of years of investment of self in certain industries while also bluntly telling these others that their livelihood could be taken from them near overnight.

How Lockdowns Broke Human Capital Read More

fauci interview

Judge Orders Fauci to Cough It Up


Finally we see courts coming around to the view that government needs to be held accountable for its actions. It is happening far too little and far too late but at least it is happening. And at long last, we might gain a clearer look into the mysterious works of Fauci and its imperial reign over American public health during the worst crisis for constitutional rights in many generations. 

Judge Orders Fauci to Cough It Up Read More

No Way Was the Huanan Market the Epicenter of Covid


There’s something rotten in the state of virology. The study performed by these leading virologists, who’ve been dead centre in the Covid saga from the earliest secret calls about the virus in early 2020, is entirely reliant on a critical assumption that an early cluster of cases around the Huanan Market in Wuhan in December 2019 represented “the earliest known 174 COVID-19 cases in the world”—an assumption which is belied by an overwhelming amount of replicable, peer-reviewed evidence to the contrary.

No Way Was the Huanan Market the Epicenter of Covid Read More

The Appropriation and Corruption of Testimonialism

The Appropriation and Corruption of Testimonialism 


We must begin to stubbornly hold our places when both the powerful old, and the insouciant young, spring the “agree-with-my-sound-bite-version-of-the-truth-or-be- banished” gambit on us. Yes, they will amp up the volume to try and get us to cower and fold. We need to be stubborn and conflictive with them in ways that many of us never wanted, or believed we could be. 

The Appropriation and Corruption of Testimonialism  Read More

Deborah Birx Lockdowns

Debi Does Lockdowns 


Each anti-scientific, non-public-health measure in itself – e.g., universal cloth masking, testing and quarantining after the virus was widespread, focusing on cases instead of hospitalizations or deaths – was not intended to achieve anything, except the singular goal of fomenting massive fear. And the purpose of the fear was to ensure maximum compliance with lockdowns.

Debi Does Lockdowns  Read More

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