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Humanity as Homo Ideologicus: On Hitoshi Imamura’s Theory of General Ideology


Anyone who is alert to our past should have noticed the ire with which the stronger have striven to silence and extinguish the weaker. It should remind us of those historical conflicts in which the party that was more powerful in number, status, and force and thus passed as righteous would later turn out to be tremendously disastrous.

Humanity as Homo Ideologicus: On Hitoshi Imamura’s Theory of General Ideology Read More

The Tyranny of Coronaphobia


I wonder if we have set ourselves up to repeat the folly every year with annual outbreaks of flu, especially if it is a bad flu season. If not, why not? Perhaps someone will come up with the slogan ‘Flu Lives Matter’. Or governments could just pass laws making it illegal for anyone to fall sick and die.

The Tyranny of Coronaphobia Read More

The Dragnet in Lombardy: Patient Zero of Lockdowns


By way of one Health Minister Roberto Speranza, on whose order 50,000 Lombardy residents were placed under lockdown on February 21, 2020, the first lockdown in the modern western world. Within weeks, lockdown had spread to cities across Italy, until the entire nation was placed on lockdown on March 9. By April 2020, more than half the world’s population—some 3.9 billion people—had been placed under lockdown.

The Dragnet in Lombardy: Patient Zero of Lockdowns Read More

Besties: Twitter, Facebook, Google, CDC, NIH, WHO 


The relationship between Big Tech – and all aspiring reporters and enterprises – is very clearly complex, and elusive of ideological categorization. It is also corrupt, exploitative of the interests of the people, and at odds with the interest of Enlightenment values. How can freedom stand a chance when it is so viciously squeezed between the controlling interest groups, who are the powerful in society? They believe they are the lords and we are the peasants. 

Besties: Twitter, Facebook, Google, CDC, NIH, WHO  Read More

In Defense of Uncertainty 


We think uncertainty will expose us, put us into a distressing freefall, but in reality it does the opposite. It expands our minds by creating spaces that don’t need to be filled by anything. It lays the groundwork for innovation and progress, and opens us up to meaningful connection with others. 

In Defense of Uncertainty  Read More

The Biden Administration Still Pushing Its Transportation Mask Mandate


The plaintiffs in the case have now filed their response to the appeal. The decision is expected in weeks. It will likely uphold the previous decision, which amounts to a serious though not fatal blow to the unchecked power of the administrative state, which is arguably the single greatest threat to American liberty and constitutional government that we face. 

The Biden Administration Still Pushing Its Transportation Mask Mandate Read More

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