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The Cure Was Vastly Worse than the Disease 


Fully 27 months into one of history’s most horrific of man-made global fiascos, after basically going about life as normal by climbing 14ers in Colorado, working a frontline public librarian job and traveling throughout the country, it happened.

My family and I finally got Covid. I am 52 and well within the range of someone who might expect, according to the media, a desperate battle with an unending cough, horrific and mind-numbing weeks of bed-ridden hell and possibly death on a respirator. 

Covid was, as expected, a non-event. 

If there is anything I would equate it to personally it is just a weird and mildly unpleasant experience where I lost my taste and smell and felt a fatigue not unlike being vaguely poisoned. If I were to characterize the severity of my particular case it would rank far below any flu I’ve had and possibly in the middle tier of colds, even though it didn’t actually even really FEEL like the sniffles.

My children, girls aged 16 and 12, both had slightly more intense symptoms, not unlike a bad cold virus. My wife and I refused to vaccinate them. They are now fine and don’t even have any residual symptoms after 3 days of taking it easy. 

Covid exists. I have never doubted this. What does it feel like? I now can say that I’m even more firmly in the Martin Kulldorff “focused protection” camp having lived through it. If it feels like anything at all it is despair: the continued psychological despair that comes with knowing that your government hit the panic button and ever since has lied to you at every turn, caused massive chaos and destruction amongst your community and family at large, turned your friends and relatives against one another, made your workplace into a Maiost, health authoritarian hellscape, caused your best friend to lose his job, but perhaps worst of all put our youngest citizens out to pasture and destroyed many young prospects. 

A destruction so thorough and vast that at a friend’s son’s recent high school graduation, only two of eight of his son’s friends even matriculated.

My 16-year old daughter suffers chronic depression after losing all her activities, some of her closest family and most of her friends in 2020, some of them lost purely due to disagreements about Covid protocols. Perhaps even more criminal and insidious is exposing our children to endless rounds of a needless and toxic “vaccine” that offers little if any protection for them. 

Was my mild and unnatural feeling illness ameliorated by the fact that I received two rounds of the Pfizer vaccine in March and April of 2021? Perhaps? But probably not. I would expect any vaccine prophylactic would have worn off long ago. Indeed, let’s go down that path a little further. 

The most inexplicable element to this catastrophic global panic is that, anecdotally, I found Covid really, really weird. Why did I lose my sense of smell so profoundly when this has never happened in a cold or flu before? It is gone, seemingly for good. What possible “gain-of-function” experiment caused this symptom?

“Experts” will claim that I was lucky just to lose this. But I wasn’t so lucky when I took my first round of the vaccine and suffered from an endlessly racing heart for two weeks straight–a symptom from which I’m still not sure I’ve completely recovered. 

Finally, there is the brutal stigma associated with the illness itself. What does one really even say after coming down with this bizarre and altogether benign ailment? To all the radically woke people at my workplace, some of whom won’t even talk to me anymore because I refuse to wear a mask in a mask-optional environment: saying that it was basically a strange joke of a disease will only raise their ire. 

Yet, putting any emphasis on the disease itself goes against two years of my own belief that it was anything but most likely a lab-induced virus that just severely affects the morbidly sick and aged and the very, very unlucky. 

Giving Covid any of the sorts of terrifying reality that the mainstream corporate media and our technocratic elites have given it would be participating in the lie. I will never give power to that lie. Indeed, I will continue to expose the lie. 

If we don’t keep speaking out about the horrors that the “public health” mafia, liberal elite, and mainstream scientific narrative has wrought upon us, we will continue down a path toward tyranny of a tiny coterie of “experts” who have perhaps intentionally led us into a miasma of destroyed human lives and societies. 

Families like mine can only begin to pick up the pieces. There seems to be no real long-term electoral solution to this, and that may be correct, but I do know that those who are on the right side of history also seem to be in a position to make some kind of major difference in the future. 

Reflect on that and let your health and heart lead the way, whatever your political persuasion.

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