
Brownstone Journal Articles, News, Research, and Commentary on public health, science, economics, & social theory

Biden pandemic plan

The Dangers of the Biden Pandemic Plan


Each of these cut corners has since created policy controversies and uncertainty that better trials would have avoided. Because of the pressure to produce a vaccine within 130 days, President Biden’s pandemic plan will likely force randomized trials on future vaccines to cut the same corners. This policy effectively guarantees that lockdowns will return to the U.S. in the event of a new pandemic.

The Dangers of the Biden Pandemic Plan Read Journal Article

Relic of the Past or Embedded Dystopia?


Let’s assume for the moment, though it’s by no means guaranteed, that the COVID era will in fact become a time-bound relic of the past, as opposed to an embedded dystopia that lasts into the foreseeable future. Is it too soon to begin talking about ‘survivors’ of the COVID era? Who will they be? How will they talk about that time to younger generations, or to visitors from the few countries that didn’t fall into the trap?

Relic of the Past or Embedded Dystopia? Read Journal Article

lockdowns abundance

Did Lockdowns Signify the “End of Abundance?”


Locking down the population and subjecting it to draconian restrictions is, for some reason, absolutely central to their vision of changing “what it means to be human.” Bill Gates and other influential elites have pointed to the Covid-19 response as their template for addressing future challenges, and have even floated the possibility of future climate lockdowns (no, sadly this is not a conspiracy theory).

Did Lockdowns Signify the “End of Abundance?” Read Journal Article


Facebook Works to Deliver Us From Truth


Facebook’s aim is not to make their users safe. Their aim is to make them feel they are safe, to prevent them from discovering challenging information, prevent them from thinking. They are the apostles of a new god, and his followers do not ask him to deliver them from evil, they ask him to deliver them from truth.

Facebook Works to Deliver Us From Truth Read Journal Article

nonessential transhumanism robots and AI

They Made Me Nonessential 


What seems clear is that this “nonessential” term is a remarkably 21st century phenomenon, part of the same “transhuman” and pseudo-scientific ideology that props up the junk philosophies of people like Klaus Schwab and that have made great swaths of liberal cities, workplaces, and especially educational arenas simply intolerable. For Schwab, the use of robots and AI are the next step in planning for “nonessential” work. 

They Made Me Nonessential  Read Journal Article

Who Ultimately Wins in a Society of Flash Mob Moralists? 


While it may make a lot of people feel good about themselves at the moment, it will only further corrode trust in the rule of law— a shift that always favors the powerful—and take valuable energy away from the urgent task of fighting massive and systematic government and corporate assaults on our dignity and freedom.

Who Ultimately Wins in a Society of Flash Mob Moralists?  Read Journal Article

Only Experts Can Fill Ice Cube Trays 


Those simple instructions are comforting, now that our lives also come with their own set of instructions. Those superiors who somehow missed their destinies in writing instructions for plastic ice cube trays now work in public health. Pay no attention to the accumulated knowledge from prior generations. For goodness sake don’t read for yourselves, despite virtually everything being available online. And at all costs remember that children do not deserve special attention. 

Only Experts Can Fill Ice Cube Trays  Read Journal Article

The Solidarity Argument for Forced Mass Vaccination Turned Out to Be False


Portraying the crimes of states and authorities as accidents at work is welcome because it resonates with how most people would wish the world to be. We do not want to believe that authoritative bodies purposefully commit psychopathic deeds. The thought that our decision-makers would have introduced vaccine passes despite knowing that the injections did not protect against the spread of infection is horrible.

The Solidarity Argument for Forced Mass Vaccination Turned Out to Be False Read Journal Article