
Brownstone Journal Articles, News, Research, and Commentary on public health, science, economics, & social theory


The Theory and Practice of Lockdowns: Thaddeus Russell and Jeffrey Tucker


We hope you enjoy this in-depth interview that covers the origin of lockdowns, the implementation of the idea of 2020, the role of vaccines, the place of government agencies, and the problem of getting out of this mess and finding another path. Historian Thaddeus Russell interviews Brownstone founder Jeffrey Tucker.

The Theory and Practice of Lockdowns: Thaddeus Russell and Jeffrey Tucker Read Journal Article

What Has Happened to My Beloved Canada?


The shameful part, besides the politicians and Canadian media, has been seeing the Canadian police in action. Are they really Canadian? Or are these “thugs” that have been imported by Trudeau? I really have a hard time believing that the faces that are being hidden behind the black Gestapo-like masks really are Canadian. 

What Has Happened to My Beloved Canada? Read Journal Article

Masks Pose Problems for Children with Disabilities, Too


School is critical for children precisely because it offers them structure, social routine, access to interaction, and emotional support as well as learning opportunities. Mandatory masks interfere with all of those–they impact daily routines, behavioral norms, social interaction, access to facial expressions and interpersonal communication, and ability to access important content such as phonics or information from discussions

Masks Pose Problems for Children with Disabilities, Too Read Journal Article

Intellectualism 2.0

The Responsibility of Intellectuals 2.0


These are things to be feared and against which we should all fight, with intellectuals reversing course and leading the way out of the abyss. The rebuilding will also require what currently seems like the most implausible thing of all, a new generation of intellectuals who fall in love with freedom and then have the courage to defend it.

The Responsibility of Intellectuals 2.0 Read Journal Article

The COVAX Delusion Reinforces Pharmaceutical Colonialism


COVAX is a vehicle by which a very powerful and wealthy group seeks to impose a new paradigm on global public health, with centralized, pharma-based interventions replacing community-driven healthcare and national health sovereignty. We cannot afford to leave it as a side issue to the local battles that we face, or our successes will be pyrrhic. The corporatist, centralized health paradigm that COVAX epitomizes is a fog of delusion that seeks to ensnare us all.

The COVAX Delusion Reinforces Pharmaceutical Colonialism Read Journal Article

Skepticism as a New Way of Life


This is the story of a tribe of navel-gazing authoritarians imposing rules on the rest of us, rules that don’t make sense, that are routinely flaunted by their proponents, and in aggregate don’t achieve the goals they’re said to achieve. There is no reason to puzzle about the lost of trust and the rise of grave skepticism about elite plans for our lives. 

Skepticism as a New Way of Life Read Journal Article

Why it Is Ethical To Resist the Biosecurity Surveillance State


The hour is later than we think; twilight is near. Continued compliance with manifestly unjust and often absurd mandates will not return us to a normal functioning society. Every good-faith or selfless act of compliance on the part of citizens has only resulted in more illogical pandemic “countermeasures” that further erode our civil liberties, harm our overall health, and undermine human flourishing.

Why it Is Ethical To Resist the Biosecurity Surveillance State Read Journal Article

Your Privacy and Brownstone’s Digital Strategy 


These are enormously stressful times for all. They require everyone to reassess and rethink our relationship to technology for reasons of preserving freedom, privacy, and independence. We need to do our best to avoid becoming part of the privatization of the state. We have taken an important step in that direction. 

Your Privacy and Brownstone’s Digital Strategy  Read Journal Article

Lockdowns Might Have Contributed to Myopia In Children  


Experts in vision think online schooling during lockdown may well be increasing the speed of myopic eye growth. A host of possible sequelae from excess myopia include things like increased risk of glaucoma, macular degeneration and retinal detachment. 

Lockdowns Might Have Contributed to Myopia In Children   Read Journal Article

The Glorious End of DC’s Vaccine Mandate


Perhaps for now, they won’t get their vaccine passport system, their newly segregated society, the erasure of bodily autonomy, and a permanent caste imbalance between the rulers and the ruled that the Enlightenment long ago condemned as despotic. It’s just one victory but it raises a point of light: maybe there is hope after all. 

The Glorious End of DC’s Vaccine Mandate Read Journal Article

The Next Step for the World Economic Forum


We can easily predict that the WEF’s call for a universal and mandated subscription plan for antibiotics – pushed with the overt intention of shoring up financial capitalization of major drug manufacturers – will meet the same fate: poor health outcomes, more power to entrenched elites, and ever less liberty for the people. 

The Next Step for the World Economic Forum Read Journal Article

Who Is Served by Emergency Powers?


Covid-19 has been no different than any other disaster. Politicians made the most out of the situation based on the incentives at hand. Systems that incentivize public officials to do the right thing through sound checks and balances saw the least abuse of power. Conversely, those that afforded more discretion to executive figures saw more irresponsible and disruptive behavior.

Who Is Served by Emergency Powers? Read Journal Article