
Brownstone Journal Articles, News, Research, and Commentary on public health, science, economics, & social theory

The Trauma of Our Lives and What To Do about It: Review and Interview with Gigi Foster


The stay-at-home orders issued in the Spring of 2020 should be politically unforgivable, no matter what happened after. Never, never in a free society! Sadly that was just the start of it.

The Trauma of Our Lives and What To Do about It: Review and Interview with Gigi Foster Read Journal Article

The Religious Institutions Should Never Have Acquiesced to Lockdowns


At a time of crisis, such as during a pandemic, is exactly when such institutions are even more needed than ever, and when faced with uncertainty, many seek the comfort and support of religious institutions.Yet during the pandemic and the lockdowns, religious institutions were only too willing to shut themselves down, close their doors, and therefore abandon those that depended on them. 

The Religious Institutions Should Never Have Acquiesced to Lockdowns Read Journal Article

Lies and Tricks, Dressed Up as Science


The epidemiologists asked to advise governments almost invariably admitted that what they were advocating was only based on their projections of Covid cases and Covid deaths, devoid of any analysis of the effects these actions would have on public health, the economy, education and other important aspects of life. They nonetheless had no problem advocating lockdowns and other draconian measures.

Lies and Tricks, Dressed Up as Science Read Journal Article

Covid and the Madness of Crowds


Their singular obsession, emotional intensity, and size lead to crowds sometimes attaining great power and dictating directions that can change the course of history for a whole country, or even for the world. The inherent danger is that their obsession blinds them to everything else that matters in normal times.

Covid and the Madness of Crowds Read Journal Article

The Fall of Intellectual Heroism


The case against lockdowns and state medical mandates is the obverse of the case for freedom itself. It seems unconscionable for any liberal mind to be wrong on this point. That so many have gone silent or even shown sympathy for medical despotism reveals just how tremendously confusing these times have been. 

The Fall of Intellectual Heroism Read Journal Article

Fear Industry

The Fear Industry and the Selling of Covid Lockdowns


During the Great Fear and on through the Illusion of Control phase of the Covid era, anyone who didn’t automatically go along with a new sacrifice for Covid was apt to be regarded as a dangerous heretic and quickly howled down by a baying public. 

The Fear Industry and the Selling of Covid Lockdowns Read Journal Article


Racial Segregation and Vaccine Passports: Ominous Parallels


Today, you won’t find people in polite society who have kind things to say about the eugenic theory of social organization, at least not in public. But as vaccine passports and their disparate impact reveal, it turns out to be strangely easy to manufacture a public health excuse – drawing on the primal fear of infection and disease – to recreate what amounts to the same structure with an excuse that is different only in its details but not in its impact on the social order. 

Racial Segregation and Vaccine Passports: Ominous Parallels Read Journal Article

Mortality Data

A Closer look at US 2020 Mortality Data


The increase in age-specific death rates in the younger parts of the population (15 – 54 years old) has been extraordinarily significant – it is above 20%. And one cannot even state the hypothesis (which – even if the numbers fit – would still have to be examined) that this increase is due to COVID-19: Just look at the numbers, the COVID-19 death rates in these age groups are far too small. Something else must have led to this increase in mortality in the younger population. 

A Closer look at US 2020 Mortality Data Read Journal Article

Mandated Vaccines

Where Is the Science or Logic Behind Mandated Vaccines?


The people at Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen and even frontline healthcare workers understand the science and data behind the vaccines better than anyone. If even a large minority of these people are reluctant or refuse to get vaccinated, it should tell us all something. COVID-19 is not a one-size-fits-all disease and should not be treated as such. 

Where Is the Science or Logic Behind Mandated Vaccines? Read Journal Article

The Great Covid Panic, by Frijters, Foster, and Baker. Available Now.


The Brownstone Institute is pleased to announce the impending publication of The Great Covid Panic: What Happened, Why, and What To Do Next, by Paul Frijters, Gigi Foster, and Michael Baker. Combining rigorous scholarship with evocative and accessible prose, the book covers all the issues central to the pandemic and the disastrous policy response, a narrative as comprehensive as it is intellectually devastating. In short, this is THE book the world needs right now. 

The Great Covid Panic, by Frijters, Foster, and Baker. Available Now. Read Journal Article