Search Results for: mask

death in a nutshell

The Boy Who Trapped Death in a Nut


Life is a messy, risky, and at times lethal adventure, and while it’s perfectly acceptable and in fact compassionate to try to lower this risk to some extent, a complete elimination of all risk would create a dull, lifeless world devoid of conviviality and meaning. The people of Jack’s town are willing to accept some level of pain, sadness and suffering in order to reap the concomitant rewards that come with living life to the fullest.

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public school

American Public Schools, RIP


We could all look back and observe that March 2020 marked the beginning of the end of the great Progressive experiment in public education. Something else is emerging now. This is not a story that any responsible person would have scripted but the end result, and despite all the carnage along the way, might be a better overall system for the next generation of students, parents, and teachers. 

American Public Schools, RIP Read More

Patriotic Duty My Eye


As it happens, however, America has already done nearly 800 million tests, yet has some of the worst WITH-Covid mortality statistics in the western world. So we are at a complete loss to comprehend how more government-mediated “testing” will accomplish anything constructive.

Patriotic Duty My Eye Read More

medical ethics

The Four Pillars of Medical Ethics Were Destroyed in the Covid Response


Individual patients can and must affect change. They must replace the betrayed trust they once held in the public health establishment and the healthcare industry with a critical, caveat emptor, consumer-based approach to their health care. If physicians were ever inherently trustworthy, the COVID era has shown that they no longer are so.

The Four Pillars of Medical Ethics Were Destroyed in the Covid Response Read More

The New Biosecurity State - Brownstone Institute

The New Biosecurity State


The danger is that there will be no real bar to them repeating it next time. It’s only if you really punish them. With atrocities we have this notion of command responsibility. You don’t go after the foot soldiers, but you do charge the general or the dictator with atrocity crimes, with crimes against humanity, with ethnic cleansing, and put them in jail. That sends a message.

The New Biosecurity State Read More

Eye Protection Wasn’t Misdirection


Consider all of the people you’ve seen donning masks or respirators over these past three years, assured in the merit of their virtue. How many still got sick? Did you ever once see someone donning goggles? Are we ever going to get around to discussing exhaustion of the hierarchy of controls, or are actual mitigating measures too taboo, too fringe? 

Eye Protection Wasn’t Misdirection Read More

The Candy Shortage Is But a Sign of Much Worse


The candy shortage is emblematic of deeper issues affecting economic life after lockdowns. The empty shelves you see at the local store are only the final stage revelation of problems pervasive in all production structures. The problems are not being fixed. They are all getting worse, even after all the promises that the shortages, dislocations, and inflation were merely temporary. 

The Candy Shortage Is But a Sign of Much Worse Read More

Mandated Vaccines

Where Is the Science or Logic Behind Mandated Vaccines?


The people at Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen and even frontline healthcare workers understand the science and data behind the vaccines better than anyone. If even a large minority of these people are reluctant or refuse to get vaccinated, it should tell us all something. COVID-19 is not a one-size-fits-all disease and should not be treated as such. 

Where Is the Science or Logic Behind Mandated Vaccines? Read More

Brownstone Institute - The CDC Doctor Responsible for Hiding Myocarditis and Promoting Vaccines

The CDC Doctor Responsible for Hiding Myocarditis and Promoting Vaccines


They knew of the risks, and they withheld the information from the American people. Stripped of informed consent, millions of citizens took the shots while doctors like Demetre Daskalakis denied them the right to know the risks of the product.

The CDC Doctor Responsible for Hiding Myocarditis and Promoting Vaccines Read More

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