Search Results for: mask

Governments Were Given Credible Warnings about Lockdown Harms but Didn’t Listen


Instead of conducting and publishing rigorous cost-benefit analyses, departments and ministries of health turned into Covid-only bureaus, health ministers acted like Covid ministers, and governments were almost corrupted into single-purpose organizations pursuing Zero Covid. 

Governments Were Given Credible Warnings about Lockdown Harms but Didn’t Listen Read More

brainwashing japan

Brainwashing Versus Critical Thinking in Japan


The overwhelming majority in all age groups in Japan got caught up in the panic generated by government officials, mainstream news media, and the medical community. For three years now masks have been worn continuously everywhere, including mountain trails and public parks. The widespread use of brainwashing here has been especially disheartening to me, since I have spent much of my time and effort over the last thirty years teaching, researching, and writing about critical thinking education in Japan.

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Brownstone Institute - Just How Alienated Are Our Masters and Commanders?

Just How Alienated Are Our Masters and Commanders?


How this ends no one knows. Nothing like this has shaped itself with this intensity in an industrialized democracy before. Someone needs to figure out the peaceful exit ramp in a hurry – ideally through some ruling-class contrition and some institutional reform – because the present gulf that separates the people from the increasingly rarified elite cannot endure for much longer. 

Just How Alienated Are Our Masters and Commanders? Read More

Brownstone Institute - The Wuhan Cover-Up by RFK, Jr.: Review and Analysis

The Wuhan Cover-Up by RFK, Jr.: Review and Analysis


The Wuhan Cover-Up does a better job than any other book or article I have read at exposing the trends, forces, and institutions that brought us the Covid catastrophe – with hundreds of pages of notes and references. What’s frightening is that the enormity of the problem is beyond the scope of the book, not just to solve, but even to fully acknowledge.

The Wuhan Cover-Up by RFK, Jr.: Review and Analysis Read More

Journey through an Exposed America

Journey through an Exposed America


The dominant tribe in much of America, and much of the Western world, is a band of supplicants to their cause. They wish to censor, restrict, control, and mandate because they have chosen a path of compliance and resent those who did not. There is nothing new in this, in historic terms, and the response is similarly established. Choosing humanity over rhetoric is the best way to prepare for whatever comes next.

Journey through an Exposed America Read More

A Caste System Threatens the West


The great turn from ancient political and economic structures into more modern ones was not only about property rights, commercial freedoms, and the participation of ever greater waves of people in public life. There was also an implicit epidemiological deal to which we agreed, what Sunetra Gupta describes as an endogenous social contract.

A Caste System Threatens the West Read More

We Sacrificed Their Childhood at the Altar of Our Choices

We Sacrificed Their Childhood at the Altar of Our Choices


The contributors to the special issue of The International Human Rights Journal would have us believe that the circle could in some way have been squared and that we could have ‘saved lives’ by closing schools while at the same time making sure children did not suffer. This forces them to make out that the issue is awfully complicated. But I’m afraid to say it really is in the end very simple: children should never have had to go through the experience of lockdown.

We Sacrificed Their Childhood at the Altar of Our Choices Read More

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