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Brownstone Institute - Can Federalising Central Governments Fix...Federalism?

Can Federalising Central Governments Fix…Federalism?


The US, Australia, and the EU each started out as federalist ideas with extremely independent constituent states, and with constitutions that made the rise of a large central government illegal and impossible. Yet, in all three places, the federalist project has failed, and a giant central bureaucracy has arisen that is strangling the life out of both states and country, as we have opined previously. How did this hostile takeover happen, and how do we create a new federalism that is resistant to becoming a monster all over again?

Can Federalising Central Governments Fix…Federalism? Read More

'Teflon Tony' Survives the Hot Seat

‘Teflon Tony’ Survives the Hot Seat


Although random hatchets were thrown at Fauci during the hearing, he managed to garner a fair bit of support from the subcommittee and seemed to come out relatively unscathed, earning him the title of ‘Teflon Tony.’ The subcommittee will release a final report by the end of 2024, with its findings and recommendations from its two-year investigation.

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thou shalt not

We Need a List: Thou Shalt Nots of Public Health 


Civil society in general and public health specifically needs a list of “Thou shalts” and “Thou shalt nots.” Without them, any evil imaginable can be justified when the next panic hits. If we want to avoid a repeat of 2020 or, God forbid, something even worse, we must make it clear what we will never ever do, no matter how scared we might get. Otherwise, the siren call of “just saving one life” may lead us to previously unthinkable evils.

We Need a List: Thou Shalt Nots of Public Health  Read More

what they did to the children

What They Did to the Children


The desired reset was achieved; we have reset our expectations regarding truth, decency, and the care of children. In an amoral world the happiness, the health, and the life of a child only carries the importance we are told to attach to it. To change that, we would have to stand against the tide. History will remember those who did and those who did not.

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How My Views on Government Have Changed


The government tried to dehumanize unvaccinated people, and largely succeeded according to polling showing that a significant percentage of people if not outright majorities held a variety of shocking views about unvaccinated people including that they are selfish; stupid; a danger to society; should be forcibly confined to their homes; have their children taken away; and be relocated to “quarantine facilities.” A considerable plurality of vaccinated people, in a word, overtly despised the unvaccinated.

How My Views on Government Have Changed Read More

Trump’s 63 Million Doses of Hydroxychloroquine Could Have Been Great for America

Trump’s 63 Million Doses of Hydroxychloroquine Could Have Been Great for America


Following Trump’s proposal, HCQ came under an unwarranted full-scale attack from federal officials, the press, “fact-checkers,” and university professors. Many of the attacks contained falsehoods about HCQ’s pharmacology and safety or Trump’s endeavor to make HCQ available to eligible patients.

Trump’s 63 Million Doses of Hydroxychloroquine Could Have Been Great for America Read More

Police Charged Thousands of People For Petty COVID Violations


The discretionary powers granted to state authorities to curtail the spread of the virus have yet to be fully documented or interrogated. Did these tactics accomplish anything that benefitted public health? Particularly with a year and a half of hindsight, it’s doubtful. Unless “needlessly hassling a bunch of people” somehow counts as a public health triumph.

Police Charged Thousands of People For Petty COVID Violations Read More

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