Search Results for: totalitarian

Songbird: The Dystopian Film that Became Real


These seemingly scientific slogans – flatten the curve, slow the spread, socially distance, track-and-trace – mask deeply dangerous policy ideas that can ruin life for everyone, and utterly destroy health and human liberty itself. The film is right: pandemic controls are an existential threat. 

Songbird: The Dystopian Film that Became Real Read More

Patricians vs. Plebeians: The Realignment 


Lockdowns and mandates have reshuffled political alliances, it would appear. They have created a clearer demarcation than we’ve seen in our lifetimes between the Zoom-class Patricians and the freedom-loving Plebeians. Engaging that struggle with intelligence and clarity is what’s necessary to recapture the cultural affection for, and the political practice of, the liberty we once knew. 

Patricians vs. Plebeians: The Realignment  Read More

How New Zealand Centralizes Medicine

Locking in Mandated Medicine by Short-Circuiting Democracy


What we see in command medication and digital is a general failure to require and include in these policies a place for the production of scientific information that might challenge or contradict claims of safety. The feedback loops are not sophisticated, open, and transparent enough. They never will be.

Locking in Mandated Medicine by Short-Circuiting Democracy Read More

lockdown catastrophe

The Shanghai Catastrophe: Lockdown Ideology at Its Most Extreme


Chinese Communist Party authorities are not fazed whatsoever by the human carnage they have manifested. In media appearances Monday, CCP leaders took to doubling down on “the measures” most admired by the Public Health cartel. They remain tethered to “Zero COVID” fanaticism, defiantly declaring that living with the virus remains off the table.

The Shanghai Catastrophe: Lockdown Ideology at Its Most Extreme Read More

Lockdowns Were Counterterrorism, Not Public Health 

Lockdowns Were Counterterrorism, Not Public Health 


Anyone who knows what our Covid response policy truly was is theoretically barred from revealing it. We do know the public health agencies were not in charge of the policy, and we know they were pushed out of their leadership role in coordinating and implementing the response. So Fauci et al. are technically correct if they claim no responsibility – although how they could in good conscience advocate such policies is another matter. 

Lockdowns Were Counterterrorism, Not Public Health  Read More

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