Search Results for: totalitarian

Focused Protection: Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta, and Martin Kulldorff

The Madness of Crowds


As Desmet explains in the book, every totalitarian regime begins with a period of mass formation. Into this tense and volatile mass steps an autocratic government and voilà, the totalitarian state clicks into place. The architects of the new regime don’t go around shouting, “I am evil.” They often believe, to the bitter end, they are doing the right thing.

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They Thought They Were Free

They Thought They Were Free


The men and women of Germany in the 1930s and 40s were not unlike Americans in the 2010s and 20s—or the people of any nation at any time throughout history. They are human, just as we are human. And as humans, we have a great tendency to harshly judge the evils of other societies but fail to recognize our own moral failures—failures that have been on full display the past two years during the covid panic.

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What People Overlook in the AI Debate


As Dr Narayanan indicates, ChatGPT’s responses to some computer science examination questions he posed to it were spurious, but they were phrased in such a specious manner that their falsity was not immediately apparent, and he had to check them three times before being certain that this was the case. So much for ChatGPT’s vaunted capacity to ‘replace’ humans.

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Vaclav Havel and the Semiotics of Public Masking


To reject the ideological schemes of “reality” imposed from above to instead embrace the most true and fundamental impulses of life is precisely what those wonderful pilots, nurses, teachers, policemen, lawyers parents and many others are doing right now before the tyranny of mask and vaccine mandates. 

Vaclav Havel and the Semiotics of Public Masking Read More

Open Letter to the People: The Time is Now

Open Letter to the People: The Time is Now


I therefore appeal to all of you – particularly those who have thus far lived in denial –who read this open letter, to find fortitude, resilience, and above all, courage and faith in yourselves, that we can and will succeed in ridding the world of the wicked coterie of technocratic neo-fascists hiding under the umbrella of the UN, the WEF, and the WHO, so that we can reassert our ethical and political rights and duties toward one another in a world dedicated to peace instead of internecine war at many levels. Humanity has always striven for peace as an ideal; it is worth doing so again.

Open Letter to the People: The Time is Now Read More

Reflections on the Bret Weinstein Interview

Reflections on the Bret Weinstein Interview


Tucker Carlson has conducted a brilliant interview with biologist and podcaster Bret Weinstein, who has been on the Covid case for a very long time. Weinstein speaks with erudition, expertise, and great precision about a number of features of the Covid response. Mercifully, Tucker lets him speak. I urge you to take an hour and watch the entire episode. 

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