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intellectual sanctuary

Why Did So Many Intellectuals Refuse to Speak Out?


Here is why in our time, as in all times, there is a crying need for intellectual sanctuaries for those brave souls who are willing to stand up and be counted, risk cancellation, put their professional careers on the line, simply to say what is true. They need protection. They need care. And they deserve our congratulations, for it is they who will guide us out of this mess. 

Why Did So Many Intellectuals Refuse to Speak Out? Read Journal Article

travel restrictions

Tragically, US Travel Restrictions Remain in Place


To make this abundantly clear for the public: Presidential Proclamation 10294 requiring non-citizen non-immigrants be vaccinated to enter the US will only end if President Biden rescinds it, Congress repeals it, or the Judiciary strikes it down. To date, no lawsuits have been filed challenging the ban on foreign visitors. 

Tragically, US Travel Restrictions Remain in Place Read Journal Article

Read the Label! It’s BioNTech’s Vaccine, Not Pfizer’s


Whether or not it is the intention, the effect of the incessant raging against Pfizer is to hide what is in plain sight: namely, that it is BioNTech’s product and that it is BioNTech, not Pfizer, that has been the main corporate beneficiary of the creation by government fiat of a massive Covid-19 vaccine market.

Read the Label! It’s BioNTech’s Vaccine, Not Pfizer’s Read Journal Article

Woodward and Bernstein

Where’s the Woodward and Bernstein of the Covid Scandals?


When you stop and think about it, there’s no way a “Woodward and Bernstein” could tell the story of the Covid Scandal. There’s simply too many scandals that would have to be exposed. It would take an army of Woodward and Berstein’s to break the pieces down into individual, sub-scandal components. 

Where’s the Woodward and Bernstein of the Covid Scandals? Read Journal Article

threats to liberty

Twenty Grim Realities Unearthed by Lockdowns 


If you haven’t changed your thinking over the last three years, you are a prophet, indifferent, or asleep. Much has been revealed and much has changed. To meet these challenges, we must do so with our eyes wide open. The greatest threats to human liberty today are not the ones of the past and they elude easy ideological categorization. Further, we have to admit that in many ways the plain human desire to live a fulfilling life in freedom has been subverted. If we want our freedoms back, we need to have a full understanding of the frightening challenges before us. 

Twenty Grim Realities Unearthed by Lockdowns  Read Journal Article

do you matter

Do You Matter?


Do facts matter? Of course they do. But facts, alone, will not answer the questions we really care about. The real ammunition of the COVID war is not information. It’s not a battle over what is true, what counts as misinformation, what it means to #followthescience. It’s a battle over what our lives mean and, ultimately, whether we matter.

Do You Matter? Read Journal Article

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