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moms for liberty

The Joyful Warriors of Moms for Liberty


Joy can be contagious. And those of us who have fought against what felt like the world in the past 3 years need some joy as we continue to advocate for not just our kids, but all of them. And for many moms across the country, covid was a line in the sand. They will not let it happen again. They will be vigilant in fighting for normalcy for their children that they never realized before had been at risk.  

The Joyful Warriors of Moms for Liberty Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - Government Funds AI Tools for Whole-of-Internet Surveillance and Censorship

Government Funds AI Tools for Whole-of-Internet Surveillance and Censorship


Internet-wide surveillance and censorship, enabled by the unimaginably vast computational power of artificial intelligence (AI), is here. This is not a futuristic dystopia. It’s happening now. Government agencies are working with universities and nonprofits to use AI tools to surveil and censor content on the Internet. This is not political or partisan. This is not about any particular opinion or idea.

Government Funds AI Tools for Whole-of-Internet Surveillance and Censorship Read Journal Article


How “Fact Checking” Obliterates Truth


For “fact-checking” to have any legitimacy whatsoever, it needs to ditch rating the crazies. It also should start each week with releasing a list of 20 items, check each of those, and then write about all of them, true or false. At the very least, the public would know the fact-checkers aren’t hiding facts they don’t like.

How “Fact Checking” Obliterates Truth Read Journal Article

A Priori Science In the Service of Power


It speaks to a leadership cadre that knows in its heart of hearts that it has absolutely nothing to offer us, and strongly suspects, moreover, that its present prominence and power are the product of a long-running bluff and that, like all bluffs theirs will collapse as soon as enough people of conscience and empirical rigor stop running from their own shadows.

A Priori Science In the Service of Power Read Journal Article

elite pride

The Cosplay of Elite Pride 


So many of our narratives contort public policy failures into a simulated pride for apocryphal success, incidentally acknowledging the imperfections in order to cover the bodies. From the initial days of the lockdowns, there were way too many people with paychecks talking. All the voices on all of our telescreens enjoyed uninterrupted direct deposit while aggressively advocating the closure of tens of thousands of small businesses – first to flatten the curve, then to slow the spread, then to await the vaccines.

The Cosplay of Elite Pride  Read Journal Article

Lockdowns were not Essential

Lockdowns Were Anything but “Prudent and Essential”


Lockdowns were neither prudent nor essential. It’s not as if government officials considered the collateral damage to be inflicted on the economy, society, and health by the lockdowns and then rationally concluded that the benefits of locking down outweighed these costs.

Lockdowns Were Anything but “Prudent and Essential” Read Journal Article

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